FNS issues guidance to support state agencies in operating SNAP. This includes guidance related to:
Newly-released Regulations
- Final Rule: SNAP Student Eligibility, Convicted Felons, Lottery and Gambling, and State Verification Provisions of the Agricultural Act (April 15, 2019)
Grant Opportunities
- Participation Assistance for Farmers and Farmers' Markets - Grant Program (for non-profit entities)
- SNAP Online Purchasing for Farmers and Farmers' Markets - Grant Program (for non-profit entities)
- Process and Technology Improvement Grants (PTIGs) support efforts to develop and implement projects that use technology to improve SNAP application and eligibility determination systems.
Demonstration Projects
- Innovation and Evaluation in Demonstration Projects (Sept. 13, 2018)
- The Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) Guide and Template: Reference materials and best practices for the ESAP demonstration waiver.
Management Evaluations
- Federal Target Areas for FY 2020
- State Target Areas for FY 2020
- SNAP State Options for FY 2020 Management Evaluations Disrupted by COVID-19
- State Target Areas for FY 2021
- SNAP State Activity Reports
- FNS 366B- Program Activity Statement
States must use this form to report quarterly data beginning federal FY 2017.
Customer Service
- Issues with Certification Materials Submission and Instructions: This memo discusses SNAP applications and other documents being sent by clients to the USDA Office of Civil Rights instead of the appropriate state SNAP office. The memo outlines best practices states can use to make submission instructions clearer for clients.
- State SNAP Interview Toolkit: This toolkit focuses on SNAP interviews, requirements and best practices.
- SNAP Model Notice Toolkit: A set of tools designed to help SNAP state agencies improve the notices they send to clients.
- Recertification Toolkit: This toolkit is intended to clarify the steps in the recertification process, identify areas of state flexibility, and help state agencies ensure all households in their SNAP caseload are treated consistently at the time of recertification.
- Program Access Toolkit: This toolkit covers a range of practices that can be implemented at the local level as well as policies and procedures at the state level.
- Best Practices for Online SNAP Applications: This guide to improving online applications was developed based on a state-by-state analysis of online SNAP applications conducted in spring 2014.
- Online Applications Clarifications Memo: This memo reiterates and clarifies the existing online applications policy for state agencies.
- SNAP Multiple Online Applications and Telephonic Signatures: This memo expands upon the Online Application Policy clarification memo and clarifies existing policy relative to multiple online applications for the same household and telephonic signatures.
- Medical Expenses Handbook: The Guide to the Treatment of Medical Expenses for Elderly or Disabled Household Members examines how eligibility workers verify who qualifies as elderly or disabled for purposes of SNAP, determine allowable medical expenses, calculate the actual deduction, and act on reported changes.
- Use of Non-Merit System Personnel in SNAP Administration. This memo and toolkit provides state agencies clarification on existing policy and flexibilities regarding the use of nonmerit personnel in the administration of SNAP.
- Call Center/Contact Center Support for States: Guidance for state agencies in planning the implementation of a call center or contact center. It identifies the key factors state officials need to consider before implementation or modification.
Data Matches and Sharing
- Routine Checks with Neighboring States to Prevent Duplicate Participation and Performing Deceased and Prisoner Verification Matches
Addresses concerns regarding individuals receiving SNAP benefits who are not eligible, due to dual participation, because they are deceased or because they are incarcerated. - National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC)
Funding and Cost Allocation
- FY11 Reporting Expenditures of SNAP Funding in Connection With A-133 Single Audits
This memorandum provides guidance on reporting expenditures of SNAP funds in order to comply with reporting requirements of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 and OMB guidance implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). - Department of Defense (DoD) Appropriations Bill Clarification to Administrative Funding Question
Questions and answers in response to issues raised by state agencies through various discussions, concerning SNAP funding through the DoD Appropriations Act of 2010 (PL 111-18). - FY12 State Reporting of SNAP Benefits Funding in Connection With A-133 Single Audits
Guidance on reporting expenditures of SNAP funds in compliance with reporting requirements of OMB Circular A-133 and guidance implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). - FY14 State Reporting of SNAP Benefits Funding in Connection With A-133 Single Audits
- ARRA State Administrative Funding Charts for FY 2010
Communication of allocated funds for FY2010 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. - Supplemental Guidance on Cost Allocation for Exchange and Medicaid Information Technology (IT) Systems Questions and Answers
Guidance on federal grants and cooperative agreements that were available to states, without any matching requirements, to fund the planning and establishment costs of exchanges that share services and functionalities with Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), those programs must also pay their share.
Longitudinal Data Project
- Longitudinal Data Project (LDP)
The Longitudinal Data Project (LDP) will establish databases to help support SNAP longitudinal research looking at participation data over time and across state lines. States can find detailed information on this site about the LDP and grant opportunities to support participation.
Other Topics
- Fees for Collecting Child Support
Guidance regarding the collection of fees for child support enforcement when there is an issue in interpreting specific provisions of the Food Stamp Act and the Social Security Act. This guidance only concerns individual food stamp recipients who have never received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).