FNS Form 292A is to be used to report Commodity Distribution for Disaster Relief.
This form is used to report Racial/Ethnic Group Participation in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program as outlined in FNS Instruction 113-1.
Form FNS-101: Participation in Food Programs - by Race
Form FNS-667 is used by state agencies to report use of TEFAP administrative funds.
Per 7 CFR 247.29(b)(2), the CSFP state agency must report the receipt and distribution of commodities, as well as beginning and ending inventories and other commodity data on a monthly basis via the FNS-153, Monthly Report of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program and Quarterly Administrative Financial Status Report.
Form FNS-57 is used by consignees to report overages and shortages in a shipment and commodities damaged in transit.
FNS Form AD-1049 is the USDA Certification Regarding Drug-Free Work Place Requirements (GRANTS) Alternative I - For Grantees Other than Individuals
State agencies apply for reimbursement using Form FSA-21, submitted to the appropriate FNS regional office for approval.