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Resource | Training and Outreach MyPlate Grocery Store Bingo

Kids are much more likely to try new foods when they get to take the lead. In this fun game, kids get to pick a new food at the grocery store, taste it, and rate it like a food critic.

Resource | Training and Outreach CSFP Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was held for CSFP state agency partners to talk about the CSFP provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Training and Outreach Disasters Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was held for USDA Foods distributing agency partners, including states, territories, and Indian Tribal Organizations, to talk about the USDA Foods Disaster Assistance provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Training and Outreach TEFAP Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was help for TEFAP state agency partners to talk about the TEFAP provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Training and Outreach FDPIR Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was held for FDPIR administering agencies to talk about the FDPIR provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Basic page Summer EBT NSLP/SBP Enrollment Database Requirements

This document describes the database requirements for Summer EBT agencies creating their state-wide database for program administration.  

Resource | Training and Outreach Submitting a Complete Grant Package

This webinar will help potential FY 2025 grant applicants understand the components of a complete application and learn how to submit a responsive application that meets all the requirements to be considered for an award.

Resource | Training and Outreach Introduction to the Farm to School Grant Program Request for Applications

The FY 2025 Patrick Leahy Farm to School grant program has opened three RFAs for potential grant applicants to consider. This webinar will help grant applicants choose the solicitation that is the best fit for them and help attendees understand grant eligibility, funding priorities, and grant objectives.

Resource | Technical Assistance 請注意: 加利福尼亞州和奧克拉荷馬州毗鄰州的美國 補充營養協助計畫電子福利轉移卡 (SNAP EBT) 零售商

您之所以收到此訊息,是因為您是加利福尼亞州 (CA) 或奧克拉荷馬州 (OK) 毗鄰州的 SNAP 授權零售商。由於上述兩州即將向客戶發行 SNAP EBT 晶片卡,因此零售商須做好接受此類卡片的準備。

Resource | Technical Assistance Atención: Minoristas de SNAP EBT en estados fronterizos con California y Oklahoma

Está recibiendo este mensaje porque es un minorista autorizado de SNAP en un estado que limita con California (CA) u Oklahoma (OK). Dado que estos estados pronto emitirán tarjetas SNAP EBT con chip para los clientes, los minoristas deben estar preparados para aceptar este tipo de tarjeta.

Page updated: October 14, 2021