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Resource | Policy FDPIR – Interim Administrative Waiver Authority Guidance

This memorandum provides interim guidance on new FDPIR regulatory waiver authority that became effective on Oct. 31, 2024.

Resource | Training and Outreach MyPlate Grocery Store Bingo

Kids are much more likely to try new foods when they get to take the lead. In this fun game, kids get to pick a new food at the grocery store, taste it, and rate it like a food critic.

Resource | Training and Outreach CSFP Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was held for CSFP state agency partners to talk about the CSFP provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Training and Outreach Disasters Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was held for USDA Foods distributing agency partners, including states, territories, and Indian Tribal Organizations, to talk about the USDA Foods Disaster Assistance provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Training and Outreach TEFAP Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was help for TEFAP state agency partners to talk about the TEFAP provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Training and Outreach FDPIR Provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule

This webinar was held for FDPIR administering agencies to talk about the FDPIR provisions in the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule (89 FR 87228).

Resource | Policy CSFP Identity Verification at the Time of Distribution

This memorandum provides CSFP state agencies, including ITOs, with guidance on the requirements for verifying the identity of CSFP participants prior to the distribution of USDA Foods.

Resource | Policy Guidance for Submitting CSFP State Plan Amendments per 7 CFR 247.6

This memorandum provides CSFP state agencies, including ITOs, with guidance on the submission of proposed amendments to CSFP state plans under regulatory requirements.

Resource | Policy CSFP Revised Income Guidelines for 2024

This memorandum transmits revised 2024 Income Guidelines for state agencies and ITOs in determining the eligibility of individuals applying to participate in CSFP, with revisions made based on the regulatory changes finalized through the Food Distribution Programs: Improving Access and Parity Final Rule.

Resource | Policy Participant Eligibility in TEFAP (Revised)

This policy manual provides updated guidance for TEFAP state agencies on establishing criteria and methods for determining the eligibility of households to receive USDA Foods for home consumption in TEFAP.

Page updated: October 14, 2021