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WIC Food Packages

What are the WIC food packages?

The WIC food packages provide supplemental foods designed to address the specific nutritional needs of income-eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum individuals, infants, and children up to five years of age who are at nutritional risk.

WIC participants receive a monthly benefit from one of seven science-based food packages, according to their life stage nutritional needs. Participants then use their WIC electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card to buy the food and beverages in their package.

USDA periodically updates the WIC food packages to reflect current nutrition science.

How do the final changes in the WIC food packages compare to the proposed changes?

Fruits and Vegetables
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment

Current Regulatory Amounts (before inflation):

  • Children $8
  • Pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding $10

Increase the cash-value benefit (CVB) base monthly amount for child, pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum participants:

Current Regulatory Amounts (adjusted for inflation):

  • Children $9
  • Pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding $11

Proposed Changes:

  • Children $24
  • Pregnant, postpartum $43
  • Breastfeeding $47

Finalize as proposed to provide the CVB in the following base monthly amounts, adjusted annually for inflation:

  • Children $24
  • Pregnant, postpartum $43
  • Breastfeeding $47

Note: USDA adjusts CVB amounts annually for inflation in accordance with WIC regulations.

CVB levels at the time of rule implementation due to inflation (for FY 2024) will continue at levels states are providing through appropriations language, and will be:

  • Children $26
  • Pregnant, postpartum $47
  • Breastfeeding $52
State agencies are only required to authorize fresh fruits and fresh vegetables and have the option to authorize other forms (frozen, canned, or dried).Require WIC state agencies to authorize at least one other form of fruits and vegetables (frozen, canned, or dried) in addition to fresh.Finalize as proposed.
Under current minimum stocking requirements, vendors must stock at least 2 different vegetables.Require vendors to stock at least three varieties of vegetables, an increase from two different vegetable varieties currently required.Finalize as proposed.
Current regulations do not permit CVV purchases of fresh herbs.Expand what can be purchased with the CVV to include fresh herbs and allow larger package sizes.Finalize as proposed.
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment
  • Children: 128 oz.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding: 144 oz.
  • Postpartum: 96 oz.

Reduce the maximum monthly allowances of juice as follows:

  • Children: 64 oz.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding: 64 oz.
  • Postpartum: zero oz.

Reduce juice amounts but all child and adult participants receive 64 fluid ounces.

  • Children: 128 to 64 oz.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding: 144 to 64 oz.
  • Postpartum: 96 to 64 oz.
There is no option for state agencies to authorize substituting a CVV in place of juice.

Allow substitution of juice for a $3 CVV.

Finalize as proposed.

Milk and Milk Substitutions
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment

Current amounts:

  • Children 1 through 4 years: 16 qts.
  • Pregnant/partially breastfeeding: 16 qts.
  • Fully breastfeeding: 24 qts.
  • Postpartum: 16 qts.

Reduce the maximum monthly allowances of milk as follows:

  • Children 12 - 23 months: 12 qts.
  • Children 2 - 4 years: 14 qts.
  • Pregnant/partially breastfeeding: 22 to 16 qts.
  • Fully breastfeeding: 16 qts.
Finalize as proposed.
State agency option to authorize lactose-free milk.Require authorization of lactose-free milk, currently a state agency option.Finalize as proposed.

a. State agency option to authorize flavored milk.

b. Total sugar limit for yogurt is b. Total sugar limit for yogurt is ≤ 40 grams per 1 cup.

a. Permit only unflavored milk.

b. Reduce total sugars allowed in yogurt from ≤40 to ≤30 grams per 8 ounces; and, add a limit for total sugars in plant-based milk substitutions of ≤12 grams per 8 ounces.

a. Finalize as proposed.

b. Modify the provision to establish an added sugars limit for yogurt of ≤ 16 grams per 8 ounces; and an added sugars limit for plant-based milk alternatives of ≤ 10 grams per 8 ounces.

Must be calcium-set prepared with calcium salts.

a. Add a minimum calcium specification for tofu of 200 milligrams per 100 grams.

b. Add a vitamin D specification for yogurt of 100 IU (2.5 micrograms) per 8 ounces (1 cup).

a. Modify the provision to add a minimum calcium specification of 100 milligrams per 100 grams of tofu.

b. Add a minimum vitamin D specification of 106 IU (2.67 micrograms) per 8 oz of yogurt and extend the implementation timeline to 36 months.

State agency option: 1 qt. (32 oz.) yogurt may be substituted for 1 qt. milk for child, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding participants.Increase yogurt substitution amounts from 1 quart of yogurt for 1 quart of milk to allow up to 2 quarts of yogurt for 2 quarts of milk.Finalize as proposed.
No soy-based cheese option and only cow's milk yogurt is allowed.Add soy-based yogurts and soy-based cheeses as substitution options for milk.Finalize as proposed and allow plant-based yogurts and plant-based cheeses (not just soy-based milk substitution options).
Yogurt must conform to the standard of identity for yogurt as listed in Table 4 of 7 CFR 246.10(e)(12).Update the FDA standard of identity citations for yogurt.Finalize as proposed.
Whole yogurt is the standard yogurt for issuance to 1-year-old children.Allow yogurts other than whole fat (i.e., reduced fat) to be issued to 1-year-old children without restriction.Finalize as proposed.
1 lb. of cheese was authorized for fully breastfeeding (up to 1 year post-partum) participants in Food Package VII.Remove cheese as a separate food category in the fully breastfeeding food package; cheese remains a partial milk substitution option for child, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding participants.Finalize as proposed.
Infant Foods
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment

Current amounts of Infant Cereal:

  • Fully breastfed: 24 oz.
  • Partially breastfed: 24 oz.
  • Fully formula-fed: 24 oz.

Current amounts for Infant Fruits/Vegetables:

  • Fully breastfed: 256 oz.
  • Partially breastfed: 128 oz.
  • Fully formula-fed: 128 oz.

Current amounts for Infant Meats:

  • Fully breastfed: 77.5 oz.
  • Partially breastfed: zero oz.
  • Fully formula-fed: zero oz.

Reduce infant cereal, infant fruits and vegetables, and infant meat as follows:

Amounts of Infant Cereal:

  • Fully breastfed: 16 oz.
  • Partially breastfed: 8 oz.
  • Fully Formula-Fed: 8 oz.

Amounts for Infant Fruits/Vegetables:

  • Fully breastfed: 128 oz.
  • Partially breastfed: 128 oz.
  • Fully Formula-Fed: 128 oz.

Amounts for Infant Meats:

  • Fully breastfed: 40 oz.
  • Partially breastfed: zero oz.
  • Fully Formula-Fed: zero oz.
Finalize as proposed.

Only infants ages 9-11 months may receive a CVV to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables as a substitute for half of the jarred infant fruits and vegetables*.

* Current amounts and CVV value allowed: Fully breastfed: $9 CVV and 128 oz. jarred infant fruits and vegetables. Partially breastfed and fully formula-fed: $4 CVV and 64 oz. jarred infant fruits and vegetables.

Increase CVV substitution amounts for infant fruits and vegetables*, allow forms other than fresh, and lower the minimum age for infants to receive a CVV from 9 to 6 months.

* The CVV substitution allows half (64 ounces) or all (128 ounces) of jarred infant fruits and vegetables to be substituted with a $10 or $20 CVV, respectively, for all food packages for infants ages 6 through 11 months

Finalize as proposed.
Any variety of commercial infant food meat or poultry, as a single major ingredient, with added broth or gravy. Added sugars or salt (i.e. sodium) are not allowed.Prohibit added fats in infant foods.Proposed provision is dropped. No change to current program rules which allows added fats in infant foods.
Add Infant Formula Flexibilities and Create a Separate Food Package for Partially (Mostly) Breastfeeding Participants
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment
Partially breastfed infants may receive up to 104 fl. oz.Increase formula amounts in the first month for partially (mostly) breastfed infants from 104 fl. oz. to up to 364 fl. oz.Finalize as proposed.
In the regulations, there are only maximum monthly allowances and minimum or "full nutrition benefit" amounts.Allow all prescribed infant formula quantities to be considered “up to” amounts.Finalize as proposed.
Food Package V is issued to two categories of WIC participants: participants with singleton pregnancies; breastfeeding participants whose partially (mostly) breastfed infants receive formula from the WIC program in amounts that do not exceed the maximum formula allowances, as appropriate for the age of the infant as described in Table 1 of paragraph (e)(9) of this section.Create a separate and enhanced food package for partially breastfeeding participants rather than issuing the same package provided to pregnant participants.Finalize as proposed.
Breakfast Cereals
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment
Currently, WIC-eligible whole grain breakfast cereals must have whole grain as the primary ingredient by weight and meet the FDA labeling requirements for making a health claim as a "whole grain food with moderate fat content" and at least half of cereals must be whole grain.Change whole grain criteria for breakfast cereals to require “whole grain” as the first ingredient.Finalize as proposed.
At least one half of all breakfast cereals on each state agency’s authorized food list must meet the whole grain requirements as specified in Table 4 at 7 CFR 246.10(e)(12).Require 100 percent of breakfast cereals on a state agency authorized product list meet whole grain criteria.Require 75 percent of breakfast cereals on a state agency authorized product list meet whole grain criteria.
Must contain ≤ 21.2 g sucrose and other sugars per 100 g dry cereal (≤ 6 g per 1 dry oz.).No change to sugar limits for breakfast cereal - must contain ≤ 21.2 grams total sugar per 100 grams (≤ 6 g per 1 oz.).Replace the total sugars limit for breakfast cereal with an added sugars limit of ≤ 21.2 grams per 100 grams (≤ 6 g per 1 oz.).
Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Grain Bread, and Whole Grain Options
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment

Current amounts:

  • Children: 32 oz.
  • Pregnant, partially breastfeeding and fully breastfeeding individuals: 16 oz.
Reduce maximum monthly allowance of whole wheat/whole grain bread and whole grains in the child food packages from 32 to 24 ounces; and increase amounts in the pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding food packages from 16 to 48 ounces.Finalize as proposed.
WIC regulations require whole grain bread have a whole grain as the primary ingredient by weight and meet the FDA labeling requirements for making a health claim as a "whole grain food with moderate fat content."Whole grain breads must contain at least at 50 percent whole grains, rather than having a whole grain as the primary ingredient by weight and meeting the FDA health claim labeling requirement as a “whole grain food with moderate fat content”.Finalize as proposed.
Whole grain options include brown rice, bulgur, oats, whole-grain barley, and whole wheat macaroni products without added sugars, fats, oils, or salt, and soft com (made from ground masa flour) or whole wheat tortillas.Expand whole grain options to include quinoa; wild rice; millet; triticale; amaranth; kamut; sorghum; wheat berries; tortillas made with folic acid-fortified corn masa flour; corn meal (including blue); teff; buckwheat; and whole wheat bread products (i.e., pita, English muffins, bagels, and naan).Finalize as proposed and allow for additional whole grain options that meet nutrient specifications.
Canned Fish
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment
Children (1 through 4 years) do not receive canned fish.Add 5 ounces of canned fish to food packages for children (2 through 4 years) and specify varieties as salmon, sardines, and Atlantic mackerel.Add 6 ounces canned fish to food packages for all children (1 through 4 years) and allow children to obtain canned salmon, sardines, Atlantic mackerel, Chub mackerel, and light tuna.
Pregnant, postpartum, and partially breastfeeding participants do not receive canned fish; fully breastfeeding participants receive 30 ounces. Canned salmon, sardines, Atlantic mackerel, Chub mackerel, Jack Mackerel, and light tuna.Add 10 ounces of canned fish to food packages for pregnant and postpartum participants and 15 ounces for partially breastfeeding participants; and revise amounts for fully breastfeeding participants from 30 to 20 ounces. Remove Jack Mackerel.Finalize as proposed.
Legumes and Eggs
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment
Current legume food category specifies "dry"; State agencies have the option to allow canned.Require WIC state agencies to authorize both dried and canned legumes, instead of canned being an option.Finalize as proposed.
Current regulations do not allow substitutions for eggs.Require authorization of legumes and peanut butter as substitutes for eggs (instead of just peanut butter for eggs) and allow WIC state agencies to choose to authorize tofu.Finalize as proposed. Additionally, State agencies may authorize nut and seed butters as a substitute for eggs.
 Requested comment on the option to allow additional nut and seed butters.Implement a provision to allow WIC state agencies the option to authorize nut and seed butters as a substitute for peanut butter.
Maximum Monthly Allowances
Summary of Requirements Before ChangesSummary of Proposed RevisionsSummary of Final Revisions Based on Public Comment
State agencies must identify the brands of foods and package sizes that are acceptable for use in the program in their states that provide participants with the maximum monthly allowances as specified in each food package.Allow WIC state agencies to authorize a greater variety of package sizes to increase variety and choice, while still providing participants with package sizes that ensure they can receive the full benefit amount (i.e., at least one package size, or a combination of sizes, must add up to the full MMA).Finalize as proposed.
Page updated: March 20, 2025