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Retailer Training Materials

As a SNAP retailer, you are legally responsible for your actions and the actions of everyone who works in your store, whether they are paid or not. When you applied to accept SNAP benefits, you agreed to fulfill certain training expectations. Here you can find resources that will help you to fulfill those expectations.


SNAP regulations can be found at Title 7; Subtitle B; Chapter II; Subchapter C – Food Stamp and Food Distribution Program of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Training Guide and Videos

A 20-page training guide that explains program rules, regulations, and policies. The guide also answers all frequently asked questions (FAQ) about topics such as eligible food, SNAP sales tax, manufacturer’s coupons, and your point-of-sale equipment. We strongly encourage you to review the guide with all owners and employees.

Four videos accompany the guide:

  • Video 1 - Authorization: explains how you can apply to accept SNAP benefits and what you can expect during the eligibility process.
  • Video 2 - Basic Guidelines: explains how to prepare your store to accept SNAP benefits, including training requirements for everyone who works in your store, and describes how SNAP benefits can and cannot be used.
  • Video 3 - Transactions and Payment: explains how you can obtain equipment for accepting SNAP benefits, and how you'll receive payment for a SNAP purchase.
  • Video 4 - Information for Cashiers: provides an overview of SNAP for people who work in your store, describes the steps for a successful transaction and explains the DOs and DON'Ts.

You can use the training guide and videos to help educate everyone who works in your store.

SNAP Retailer Posters and Decals

The SNAP Fraud and Abuse poster makes it clear that buying or selling SNAP or WIC benefits is a federal crime. The poster provides contact information for reporting abuse in FNS programs and is required to be posted in all SNAP authorized stores.

Other Training Resources

Page updated: March 20, 2025