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Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2002-0007 21st Century Community Learning Centers

The No Child Left Behind Act contains a number of changes that affect the Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers. This memo contains those changes that are pertinent to the child nutrition programs.

Resource WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines (2002-2003)

The Department announces adjusted income eligibility guidelines to be used by state agencies in determining the income eligibility of persons applying to participate in the WIC program. These income eligibility guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the WIC regulations.

Resource | Research Plans | Food/Nutrient Analysis School Lunch Salad Bars

This report fulfills a request to USDA from the Appropriations Committee Directives, FY 2002. As requested, this report compares the availability of fruits and vegetables in schools with and without salad bars using data from the School Nutrition Dietary Assessment Study, Part II, which were collected during the school year 1998-99. SNDA-II data enables us to examine the choice and variety of foods offered at salad bars, but not the quantity in a typical serving or the amount consumed.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2002-0006 CACFP - Flexibility in Time Requirements for At-Risk Meal Services

This memorandum provides flexibility to at-risk afterschool care programs that serve both a snack and supper.

Resource | Research Plans | Nutrition Education Nutrition Education in FNS: A Coordinated Approach for Promoting Healthy Behaviors

This report fulfills the request from Congress in the House Appropriations Committee Report (HR 107-116), which accompanied the Agriculture Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2002.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2002-0005 Additional Sites Eligible for the Seamless Summer Feeding Waiver

We have been asked to reconsider our decision to exclude closed enrolled sites in eligible areas and camps from participation in the Seamless Summer Feeding Waiver.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2002-0004 Exceptions to Approving Sponsors Prior to Program Operations

This memorandum provides regional offices with the authority, under certain circumstances, to approve state agency requests to reimburse SFSP sponsors whose applications are not approved prior to the beginning of their meal service operations.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2002-0003 Use of Stop Payments in the Child and Adult Care Food Program

It has come to our attention that there is still some question regarding the ability of state agencies and sponsoring organizations to use “stop payments” (suspension of all program reimbursement to institutions or providers) as a tool to enforce an institution or a provider’s compliance with program requirements.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2002-0002 USDA Sponsor Reviews

The purpose of this memorandum is to establish that regional offices may allow state agencies to count a USDA review of an SFSP sponsor as one of their required reviews, provided that the state agency assumes all responsibilities associated with resolution of the review findings relating to the administration of the program by the sponsor, including but not limited to any and all appeals arising from the review.

Resource | Proposed Rule Proposed Rule: Codification of Poultry Substitution and Modification of Commodity Inventory Controls for Recipient Agencies

This rule concerns the types of foods that may be available from the Department of Agriculture for any of the uses authorized under the Food and Nutrition Service’s Food Distribution Programs and the manner in which those foods must be labeled.

Page updated: October 14, 2021