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Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics National and State-Level Estimates of WIC Eligibles and Program Reach 2013

This report offers updated estimates of the number of people eligible for WIC benefits in 2013, including (1) estimates by participant category (including children by single year of age) and coverage rates; (2) updated estimates in U.S. territories; and (3) confidence intervals. The national estimates presented in this report are based on a methodology developed in 2003 by the Committee on National Statistics of the National Research Council (CNSTAT). The report’s State-level estimates use a methodology developed by the Urban Institute that apportions the national figures using data from the American Community Survey.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2014

WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2014 summarizes the demographic characteristics of participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children nationwide in April 2014. It includes information on participant income and nutrition risk characteristics, estimates breastfeeding initiation rates for WIC infants, and describes WIC members of migrant farm-worker families. PC 2014 is the most recent in a series of reports generated from WIC state management information system data biennially since 1992.

Resource | Research and Data | Benefit Content/Cost WIC Food Package Policy Options II

In 2007, USDA introduced a new set of food packages via an Interim Rule based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, which were implemented by October 2009. The contents of the food packages were finalized via a Final Rule in 2014. The Final Rule clarified some provisions in the Interim Rule and allowed some additional options and substitutions.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Study: Phase II Follow Up Implementation Report

The main objectives of this report are to describe how Loving Support© Peer Counseling is currently implemented in WIC state agencies and local agencies; and to draw comparisons with the program’s implementation in 2008, when the last study was conducted. 

Resource | Research and Data | National Academy of Sciences/IOM Review of WIC Food Packages: An Evaluation of White Potatoes in the Cash Value Voucher: Letter Report

At the request of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an expert Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee is undertaking a comprehensive review of the food packages used in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to bring the program into alignment with current dietary guidelines. In this letter report, the first of three reports to result from this review, the IOM committee evaluates the 2009 regulation that excluded white potatoes from purchase with the WIC cash value voucher (CVV) and considers whether white potatoes should henceforth be allowed as a WIC-eligible vegetable in the CVV.

Resource | Research and Data | Breastfeeding WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study 2 (ITFPS-2): Intention to Breastfeed

The WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study 2 (WIC ITFPS-2)/ “Feeding My Baby” Study is designed to describe the feeding practices used by caregivers and measure the nutrition outcomes of children who participate in WIC. The study uses a longitudinal design; caregivers respond to surveys periodically from a prenatal interview through the infant’s third birthday. This study will provide a series of reports. The current report presents results from the prenatal survey.

Resource | Research and Data | Food/Nutrient Analysis Diet Quality of Young American Children by WIC Participation Status: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2008

This report uses data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to provide a comprehensive picture of the nutrient intakes, food choices, and diet quality of young children who are WIC participants, income-eligible nonparticipants, and higher income participants.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics National and State-Level Estimates of WIC Eligibles and Program Reach 2012

This report offers updated estimates of the number of people eligible for WIC benefits in 2012, including (1) estimates by participant category (including children by single year of age) and coverage rates; (2) updated estimates in U.S. territories; and (3) confidence intervals. The national estimates presented in this report are based on a methodology developed in 2003 by the Committee on National Statistics of the National Research Council (CNSTAT). The report’s State-level estimates use a methodology developed by the Urban Institute that apportions the national figures using data from the American Community Survey.

Resource | Research and Data | Breastfeeding WIC Breastfeeding Policy Inventory

FNS funded the WIC Breastfeeding Policy Inventory (WIC BPI) to collect data on breastfeeding policies and practices, as well as the breastfeeding measures in use by SAs and LAs. The WIC BPI was a census of the 90 WIC State agencies (including Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) and U.S. Territories) and the approximately 1,800 local WIC agencies.

Resource | Research Reports | Nutrition Education WIC Nutrition Education Assessment Study

The WIC Nutrition Education Assessment Study was conducted by Abt Associates Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts, under contract with FNS. The study was designed by FNS to fill several important gaps in information about the nutrition education component of the WIC Program.


Page updated: October 14, 2021