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Resource | Webinars/Videos Métodos para cocinar sano

Este seminario web se enfoca en cocinar comidas y meriendas nutritivas en el CACFP, usando métodos como asar, hornear, al vapor, al sartén, a la parrilla y más.

Resource | Grants CACFP Meal Service Training Grants

To assist states and CACFP operators with implementation of the updated CACFP meal patterns, Congress appropriated funds for the provision of noncompetitive grants for states to provide hands-on training and technical assistance. These meal service training grants will assist state agencies in providing job skills training for CACFP operators on ways to plan and prepare and serve nutritious foods.

Resource | Webinars/Videos Webinar: Food Buying Guide Goes Digital!

Learn about the new Food Buying Guide (FBG) Mobile App and FBG Interactive Web Tool via a live demonstration! You'll learn how to utilize the innovative features of these tools including search and navigation, the ability to compare food yield information, and the ability to create a favorite foods list.

Resource | Training and Outreach Food Buying Guide Mobile App

The Food Buying Guide (FBG) is the essential resource for food yield information for all child nutrition programs. The FBG assists CNP operators, food manufacturers, and other stakeholders with purchasing the correct amounts of foods for child nutrition meal programs, and determining the contribution that each food makes toward meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Webinars/Videos CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays - Serving Milk in the CACFP

The CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays webinar series is a set of monthly interactive, skills-building webinars that focus on hot topics related to the updated Child and Adult Care Food Program meal patterns. 

Resource | Webinars/Videos Servir leche en el CACFP

Este seminario lleva a la audiencia a través de la hoja de capacitación "Servir leche en el CACFP" de Team Nutrition y permite que la audiencia seleccione leche para varios grupos de edad para cumplir con los requisitos del patrón de comidas. 

Resource | Grants 2017 Team Nutrition Training Grants

FY19 Team Nutrition training grants state agency proposal summaries. 

Resource | Webinars/Videos FY 2017 Team Nutrition Training Grant RFA Webinar: Select Measurement Tools

This webinar gives an overview of select measurement tools required or encouraged to be used in the FY 2017 TNTG RFA.

Resource | Webinars/Videos FY 2017 Team Nutrition Training Grant RFA Informational Webinar

This webinar gives an overview of the FY 2017 Team Nutrition training grant RFA. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021