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Resource | Research Plans | Breastfeeding National and State Level Estimates of WIC Eligibility and Program Reach in 2020

These graphics, the latest in a series of annual reports on WIC eligibility, present 2020 national and state estimates of the number of people eligible for WIC benefits and the percentages of the eligible population and the US population covered by the program, including estimates by participant category.

Resource | Research Plans | Food Security Trends in USDA SNAP Participation Rates: Fiscal Years 2016 to 2020

This report is the latest in a series on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation rates, which estimate the proportion of people eligible for benefits under federal income and asset rules to those who actually participate in the program. Because the coronavirus COVID-19 public health emergency affected data collection starting in March 2020, this summary covers only the pre-pandemic period of October 2019 through February 2020.

Resource | Research Plans | Assessing/Improving Operations Considerations for Improving Participant Experiences in the USDA SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Programs: Lessons from the SNAP E&T Pilots

Section 4022 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 authorized and funded the SNAP employment and training pilots and the evaluation. The four issue briefs present findings drawn from the evaluation of the 10 pilots. 

Resource | Research Plans | Participation Characteristics Characteristics of SNAP Households: FY 2020 and Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Characteristics of SNAP Households

The SNAP Characteristics report provides information about the demographic and economic circumstances of SNAP households in FY 2020. Because the coronavirus COVID-19 public health emergency affected data collection starting in March 2020, statistics are reported by prepandemic period of October 2019 through February 2020 and the early pandemic period of June to September 2020 (March through May were not reported). 

Resource | Research Plans | Benefit Content/Cost WIC Food Cost-Containment Practices Study

The WIC Food Cost-Containment Practices Study describes the voluntarily approaches state agencies used in 2018 to reduce food costs when selecting and authorizing WIC foods. This study is the second of its kind; the first was conducted by the USDA Economic Research Service in 2003. This report examines how six types of food cost-containment practices are associated with food costs and WIC participant satisfaction, benefit redemption, and food consumption in 12 state agencies. 

Resource | Research Plans | Assessing/Improving Operations Child Nutrition Program Operations Study, School Year 2017-18

The Child Nutrition Program Operations Study is a multiyear study series that provides the USDA's Food and Nutrition Service with current information on National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program policies, practices, and needs from state agencies and school food authorities. Specifically, it covers policies related to school nutrition service operations, financial management, meal counting, eligibility, nutrition standards, and personnel. Results inform child nutrition program management and policy development. This study in the series covers school year 2017–18.

Resource | Research Plans | Food Security ERS - Household Food Security in the United States in 2021

This report presents statistics from the survey that cover household food security, food expenditures, and use of federal nutrition assistance programs in 2021.

Resource | Research Plans | Food Security USDA Nutrition Education Coordination Report to Congress, FY 2021

USDA's nutrition assistance programs touch the lives of one in four American consumers annually and the nutrition education efforts associated with select programs offer a powerful opportunity to promote food security and improve dietary quality among eligible individuals and families.

Resource | Research Plans | Food/Nutrient Analysis Added Sugars in School Meals and Competitive Foods

This report responds to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which directs the FNS to provide a report on the amount of added sugars in school meals.

Resource | Research Plans | Benefit Content/Cost WIC Vendor Management Study: 2015 EBT Pilot

The WIC Vendor Management Study: 2015 Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Pilot examined compliance with program requirements and rates of violations among WIC EBT vendors in 2015 and tested a method to identify and measure errors that contribute to improper payments in an EBT environment.

Page updated: October 14, 2021