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FDPIR Sharing Gallery: Handouts

This gallery contains handouts such as infographics, brochures, and factsheets on a variety of nutrition education topics from sources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Indian Health Service (IHS), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These handouts can easily be printed and distributed or shared online with program participants.

Check out these tips for how to use the resources in this gallery to provide nutrition education!

Best Practices for Foraging and Harvesting Handout

USDA Food Sovereignty Initiative Handouts
Indigenous Food Lab & Chef Crystal Wahpepah
Indigenous foods are nutritious, well-adapted to local climates, and serve an important role in traditional foodways. The recipes, handouts, and videos on this page show you how to add foraged and Indigenous foods to foods available through USDA’s Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). Learn foraging basics with ethnobotany experts from the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Mountain Plains, and Southwest regions. The videos and guides highlight how sustainable foraging practices can increase nutrition security, promote Indigenous foods, and encourage more sustainable land conservation practices.

Cooking Matters

Cooking Matters Handouts
The Cooking Matters campaign is helping end childhood hunger by inspiring families to make healthy, affordable food choices. Their programs teach parents and caregivers with limited food budgets to shop for and cook healthy meals – building a world where healthy eating choices are available for everyone. The following resources, available from Cooking Matters curricula, provide easy-to-understand information about sugars and fats.

Most recipes do not need to be followed exactly, and can be adjusted based on what’s in season, what you have on hand, taste preferences, ingredients on sale, and healthier cooking methods. Use the following recipe frameworks to make delicious meals that work for you.

Diabetes Information for You and Your Family Keeping Your Heart Healthy screenshot of handout from Indian Health Service

Lesson Plan: Keeping Your Heart Healthy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service
Developed by the Indian Health Service (IHS), this handout provides an overview of how to live a heart healthy lifestyle.

What's the Big Deal

What's the Big Deal About Whole Grains?
Department of Health & Human Services, Indian Health Service, Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
Educational tool for teens and preteens. Includes a quiz with answers.

My Native Plate image featuring a plate that is 1/2 fruit and vegetables with protein and whole grain; fruit on the side with a glass of water

Lesson Plan: My Native Plate
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service
Developed by the Indian Health Service (IHS) My Native Plate is a nutrition education tool that uses a plate as a guide to show balanced meals with reasonable portion sizes for traditional foods.

From Crazy to Control screenshot of handout from the Indian Health Service

From Crazy to Control
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service
This handout developed by the Indian Health Service (IHS) features the testimony of a Native American woman and the changes she made to improve her health and wellness.

FDPIR Infographics

FDPIR Infographics
United States Department of Agriculture
This trio of infographics shares key data points about FDPIR. Learn how many households include children or elderly members, how the FDPIR food package compares to the average American diet, how nutrition education is changing the ways program participants cook and eat, and more!

Screenshot of Food Waste handout

Easy Steps to Prevent Food Waste
United States Department of Agriculture
Each year, the average American family of four loses $1,500 to uneaten food. USDA offers a range of advice to help Americans reduce food waste, which in turn increases household food budgets and makes nutritious diets more affordable. Download this infographic and share these easy steps to reduce food waste at home.

Interested in contributing content to the FDPIR sharing gallery? Send your recipes, photos, nutrition education materials, and other resources to

FNS facilitated the development of this sharing gallery. Materials placed here do not reflect the policies of FNS, and FNS does not conduct thorough reviews of materials submitted for placement here.

Page updated: December 03, 2024