SUN Bucks is a program that provides grocery-buying benefits to low-income families with school-aged children during the summer when schools are closed.
To operate the program, each participating state, territory, and indian tribal organization (ITO) must submit a Plan for Operations and Management (POM). The POM describes how they plan to carry out the program.
The POM summaries below contain information from the plans of the states, territories, and ITOs that have an approved POM in place for 2024. It is important to note that the information in the POM summaries reflects the states’ and ITOs’ plans at the time of approval. Actual operations may vary from the plans outlined below and may not reflect real-time operations throughout the summer. Please visit the state, territory, or ITO's website for more detailed information about 2024 SUN Bucks operations.
2024 Plans for Operations and Management (POM) Highlights
How will benefits be available?
Options | Participating Tribes, States, or Territories |
On either an existing EBT account (e.g., SNAP, NAP, TANF, WIC) or a unique account for Summer EBT | |
Only unique accounts for Summer EBT |
How will benefits that are not loaded on existing EBT accounts be issued?
Options | Participating Tribes, States or Territories |
On one account/card to heads of households, to the extent states and ITOs have contact information and can determine which children are in a household | |
To each eligible child on account/card |
Who is responsible for processing SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) applications?
Options | Participating Tribes, States, or Territories |
The Summer EBT agencies | |
Local educational agencies (LEAs) | |
The Summer EBT agencies and LEAs |
Who is using alternate income forms to certify children for Summer EBT?
Tribe/State/Territory Profiles
- American Samoa
Lead SEBT agency American Samoa Department of Human & Social Services (DHHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies American Samoa Department of Education (ASDOE) Number of children served 14,464 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Paper Coupons Month of first issuance May 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 2, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $177 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - ASNAP is ready to assist people with limited English proficiency.
- People have the option of coming to see staff to help them register through the online portal.
- Paper registration forms will also be made available at office locations.
- Individuals with disabilities will be provided special accommodations when coming to the ASNAP office. There will be assistance For transportation to and from the ASNAP office through the Dial-A-Ride Program and wheelchair assistance while at the ASNAP office.
- Individuals with access and functional needs can designate an authorized representative to register, pick up and redeem benefits.
Highlights of the customer service plan - The American Samoa Nutrition Assistance Program (ASNAP) is the single point of contact for all customer service needs related to the S-EBT.
- Parents/ legal guardians/ authorized representatives will have two options to access customer service assistance or resolve disputes:
1) Call the S-EBT Warm Line which will be manned by ASNAP representatives who will immediately research and assist, or
2) Visit the ASNAP office in person to see an ASNAP representative who will immediately research and assist. - A public information campaign
- People can call the Summer EBT Warm Line and be walked through registering via the portal.
State Website - Arizona
Lead SEBT agency Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Other SEBT supporting agencies Arizona Department of Economic Security (ADES) Number of children served 605,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 16 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period July 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - ADE/ADES will work with the Arizona Food Bank Network and interested advocates, the Restaurant Meals Program, Tribal liaison staff to engage with ITOs, the Department of Child Safety (DCS), Arizona retailers/ These collaborations will educate the community and reach vulnerable populations.
- ADE will host a comprehensive informational website and provide information via notices/memos and through communication with AHCCCS, Arizona’s State Medicaid agency, for all Medicaid DC children.
Highlights of the customer service plan - DES will provide a single point of contact toll free number for customer support, a PO box to mail in inquiries and ADE will host a website that will be referred to or redirected to in literature, social media or other means.
- Having these consistent initial points of contact for inquiries and basic information about the program and all media, notices, social media and communications will help the state be able to resolve inquiries on a consistent basis.
State Website - Arkansas
Lead SEBT agency Arkansas Department of Human Resources (DHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Number of children served 373,906 Compulsory age range 5 to 17 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 26, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Arkansas DHS will identify and streamline certify children in foster care through the DHS Foster Care management information system.
- DHS will accommodate children from limited English proficiency households by materials printed in their language.
- ADE will collect information on families experiencing homelessness through the homeless indicator within their internal information system, E-school.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Arkansas will distribute information on Summer EBT through a variety of online and offline platforms, including the DHS website, social media, fliers and buck slips.
- Arkansas DHS will work with the customer service vendor, Conduent, to receive and answer Summer EBT calls from participants.
State Website - California
Lead SEBT agency California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Other SEBT supporting agencies California Department of Education (CDE) Number of children served 5,200,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - California will advise LEAs to populate either the school or district address for any student records in CALPADS where no address is available, such as for students experiencing homelessness or otherwise having no permanent address.
- Children eligible for S-EBT based on receipt of SNAP, TANF and/or Medicaid have the option to update their mailing address with their local County human service agency at any time.
- While S-EBT cards must be received by mail, California will offer options to assist families that may lack a permanent mailing address. S-EBT eligible families may request that their card be sent to a residence, commercial address, P.O. Box, or general delivery.
- Schools and county human service agencies may also receive S-EBT cards on behalf of eligible families experiencing homelessness.
- California's S-EBT plan includes access to information in languages other than English to serve households with limited English proficiency.
- To serve households with limited or no internet access, California has included direct mail information notices to S-EBT eligible families and increased the Helpline's capacity to provide general program info.
- To serve people with disabilities, S-EBT information will be provided in simple, direct and user-friendly language and the S-EBT website will be American with Disabilities Act compliant."
Highlights of the customer service plan - Increased the S-EBT Helpline’s capacity to provide general Program info
- CDSS will conduct outreach to families in the form of automated email, phone, and text messaging to the greatest extent possible.
- S-EBT webpage
- Public information campaign
- If a child does not receive their S-EBT card in the mail, families can contact the S-EBT Helpline to request that a new card be mailed to another address.
State Website - Cherokee Nation
Lead SEBT agency Cherokee Nation Public Health Other SEBT supporting agencies Number of children served 148,908 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Solutran Month of first issuance May 2024 for Cherokee Nation
June 2024 for Muscogee (Creek) NationEnd date of the summer operational period Aug. 18, 2024 for Cherokee Nation
Sept. 30, 2024 for Muscogee (Creek) NationBenefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Will be working with our school partner liaison that will assist us with households that have limited English capabilities. We also work with WIC program staff to receive assistance to communicate with Hispanic speaking families.
- When we receive notice of households dealing with homeless issues, we will help with the application process and use our office address as the family’s mailing address. This will help us receive and deliver the family’s card in the best way possible.
- Homeless families identified will be offered a homeless food package option to better serve the family.
- Foster children should be identified on the list or application form and will receive their own card to be able to travel with the student, regardless of their address.
Highlights of the customer service plan - A phone number and a website are available to provide customer service information.
- Information flyers will be provided at schools, clinics and wellness centers. This will have contact information for family to call for more information and the link to go online.
Tribe Website Summer EBT Program What areas will the Tribe be serving? - Cherokee Nation
- Some of Muscogee Creek Nation
- A school in the Osage Nation and Cherokee Nation area
Plan and procedures to enroll children already deemed eligible by a state Summer EBT agency serving the same geographic area The state of Oklahoma is not operating the Summer EBT Program in 2024. Cooperatively Cherokee Nation, Chickasaw Nation and Muscogee Creek Nation agreed to provide Summer EBT 2024 services to families. Schools districts have been agreed on and divided accordingly. Plan and procedures to determine eligibility for and enroll children - Online applications from Cherokee Nation and Muscogee Creek Nation will be taken throughout the summer months.
- Hunger Free Oklahoma is a partner to both Cherokee Nation and Chickasaw Nation and will be responsible for many summer EBT activities for the Muscogee Creek Nation areas being served by Cherokee Nation and Chickasaw Nation.
Types of benefit Combination of cash-value benefit (CVB) and food package List of authorized foods Cheese, eggs, cereal, legumes, peanut butter, bread, milk, yogurt, lunch meat, whole grains, fish, and CVB of $13 for fruits and vegetables - Chickasaw Nation
Lead SEBT agency Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services Other SEBT supporting agencies Number of children served 110,144 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Custom Data Processing (CDP) Month of first issuance May 2024 for Chickasaw Nation;
June 2024 for Muscogee (Creek) NationEnd date of the summer operational period Aug. 15, 2024 for Chickasaw Nation;
Aug. 30, 2024 for Muscogee (Creek) NationBenefit amount and number of issuances 3 issuances of $40 / issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - For homeless students, the Summer EBT card and training information can be picked up at a CN WIC clinic or mailed to the student at the school's address after notifying the school. Benefits can also be mailed to an alternative address at the participant's request.
- The food package includes shelf-stable items that require minimal cooking and is practical for users regardless of their housing situation.
- Vulnerable population can purchase items they can store or utilize immediately instead of receiving the full benefit package at once.
- For non-English speaking households, the CN Summer EBT staff utilize a translation service to assist with over-the-phone customer service.
- Printed training materials are also provided in English and Spanish because they are the primary languages used in the CN Summer EBT service area.
Highlights of the customer service plan - The website and call center are available year-round. The website provides eligibility criteria and electronic access to materials. An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) phone number is available for participants to check their benefit balance and set/reset their personal identification number (PIN).
- Information will be provided to households through printed materials, mail, telephone, texting, email and a shopper app. Participating schools will send a flyer home with all students.
- FIS will offer customer service 24-hours a day, seven days a week, in both English and Spanish for card issues and shopping assistance.
- If a bilingual Summer EBT staff member is not available to provide customer service when needed, a translation service will be used to facilitate customer service for Spanish-speaking participants.
Tribe Website Summer EBT Program What areas will the Tribe be serving? - Chickasaw Nation
- Part of Muscogee (Creek) Nation
Plan and procedures to enroll children already deemed eligible by a State Summer EBT agency serving the same geographic area The State of Oklahoma is not operating the Summer EBT Program in 2024. Cherokee Nation, Chickasaw Nation and Muscogee (Creek) Nation cooperatively agreed to provide Summer EBT 2024 services to families. Plan and procedures to determine eligibility for and enroll children - Materials with application information, in both English and Spanish, will be distributed in participating schools and will be sent home with every student.
- The online application, also available in both English and Spanish, will request household and individual children's information.
- Hunger Free Oklahoma is a partner to both Cherokee Nation and Chickasaw Nation and will be responsible for many summer EBT activities for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation areas being served by Cherokee Nation and Chickasaw Nation.
Type of benefit Combination of cash-value benefit (CVB) and food package List of authorized foods Fish, yogurt, milk, cheese, cereal, eggs, whole grains, legumes, and CVB of $13 for fruits and vegetables - Colorado
Lead SEBT agency Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Colorado Department of Education Number of children served 380,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 17 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 14, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - CDHS will partner with the CDE’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth Programs (EHCY) state coordinator to ensure S-EBT benefits reach eligible children who are experiencing homelessness.
- CDE will work with the Migrant Education Program to identify and disseminate targeted information to eligible migrant students who are not enrolled in an NSLP/SBP school.
- CDE will work with school districts to ensure foster children and children from households with limited English proficiency are included in the data collection and have access to the program.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Colorado will establish a Summer EBT call center. There is also a ChatBot on the CDHS EBT Edge website that is equipped to answer most questions and can direct clients to where more Summer EBT information can be found.
- CDE will develop a comprehensive communication and training plan that will provide outreach and education for LEAs to provide information to eligible households.
State Website - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Lead SEBT agency CNMI Department of Community & Cultural Affairs (DCCA) Other SEBT supporting agencies CNMI Public School System (PSS) Number of children served 12,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 17 years old EBT processor Paper Coupons Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 9, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $177 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - CNMI will heavily advertise the program and process to help ensure vulnerable populations are aware of the benefits.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Public information campaign
- PSS customer service helpline
State Website - Connecticut
Lead SEBT agency Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Connecticut State Department of Education (CDSE) Number of children served 273,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Homeless
- Runaway
- Head Start
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - CSDE will use established database to identify children in families experiencing homelessness, working with schools to ensure students have access to cards.
- The Connecticut Department of Children will provide data to identify children in foster care.
- For non-English proficient households, materials will be available in English and Spanish."
Highlights of the customer service plan - "DSS will maintain a Summer EBT website and dedicated call center.
- Households will be informed about the availability of Summer EBT via media, school communications, websites, information contained in the envelopes with the cards, and outreach partners.
- Households wanting to opt out of the program will be instructed either to not to activate the card or to destroy the card.
State Website - Delaware
Lead SEBT agency Delaware Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) Number of children served 81,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 16 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance August 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 30, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - "DHSS will work with schools and homeless liaisons to ensure children experiencing homelessness have access to benefits.
- DHSS will work with Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and their families to ensure students in foster care receive benefits.
- Households without internet access may call the Summer EBT call center or visit an eligibility office or school for assistance.
- Interpretation and translation services will be available for households with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Delaware will maintain a Summer EBT website and have a Summer EBT call center available to families.
- DHSS will post Summer EBT information on social media and at eligibility offices and issue a press release.
- DDOE and schools may also post Summer EBT information on their websites and social media.
State Website - District of Columbia
Lead SEBT agency District of Columbia Department of Human Services Other SEBT supporting agencies District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Number of children served 80,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 25, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Foster care
- Homeless
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - OSSE will use the database of school-aged children in foster care and those experiencing homelessness to SC categorically eligible children.
- DC will collaborate with the foster care, homeless, and migrant student education offices to ensure the students are informed of their SC status and mailing addresses are up to date
- DC will ensure that Summer EBT materials, including notices, the application, and website are available in seven languages
Highlights of the customer service plan - The District will establish a Summer EBT website that will provide key information, include a customer service phone number, and link to both the online application and have a webform to confirm eligibility and update contact information.
- Households that want to opt out of the program will be instructed to destroy their card.
State Website - Guam
Lead SEBT agency Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Guam Department of Education (GDOE) Number of children served 26,851 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance May 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 21, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $177 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Guam DPHSS will continue to work directly with Division of Children’s Wellness (Bureau of Social Services Administrator). EBT cards are given directly to the Bureau who then distributes the cards to eligible children.
- DPHSS and GDOE will work with the respective school representatives (Counselors, Social Workers, Program Coordinators, etc.) who may be able to assist the households. This includes Village Mayors, community-based organizations such as Manelu’ and the respective consulate offices located on island.
- The community-based organization such as Manelu’ can assist households with limited proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Public information campaign
- SEBT Hotline
- Households will be encouraged to provide updated information to their child's respective school if changes occur.
State Website - Hawaii
Lead SEBT agency Department of Human Services Other SEBT supporting agencies Department of Education Number of children served 100,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 4, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $177 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Will utilize the services of HIDOE's community liaisons to assist with outreach.
- Will coordinate with the DHS Child Welfare Services office with identifying and coordinating delivery of benefit to children in foster care.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Call center.
- Online portal with access to benefit information, address update, opt-out option.
- Public information campaign: posting on the HIDHS and HIDOE web sites, social media, robo-calls, press releases, possible announcement during the Governor’s press conference, and notification to community partners.
State Website - Illinois
Lead SEBT agency Illinois Department of Human Services Other SEBT supporting agencies Illinois State Board of Education Number of children served 1,145,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 17 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance August 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- State Food (Illinois' state funded food program)
- VTTC Cash (a state program that mirrors TANF for families that have Victims of Trafficking, Torture or other serious Crime)
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Illinois will work with ISBE to ensure foster families have the current address on file with their schools.
- Illinois will be utilizing existing relationships with outreach agencies to ensure adequate assistance is available.
- Students that do not have a home address provided at the time of issuance, will be issued EBT cards to the school address, where school staff will have the cards available for pick up.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Illinois will establish a web page or IVR service that would allow parents to enter their child's information.
- Illinois will work with community partners to provide a public information campaign regarding how information can be checked, and changes reported.
- SEBT website, email address, and phone number
- Change of address form
State Website - Indiana
Lead SEBT agency Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Other SEBT supporting agencies Indiana Department of Education Number of children served 669,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 18 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance May 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 16, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Homeless
- Migrant
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Indiana schools will work with designated homeless liaisons, foster care points of contact and regional migrant liaisons to ensure that vulnerable and categorically eligible children have access to benefits.
- Indiana will work with Directors of English Learners to support households with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Indiana will establish a dedicated Summer EBT website and hotline, including a Summer EBT specific mailbox for participants to email.
- Indiana will partner with schools to make participants aware of Summer EBT through school newsletters and other outreach.
- Participants will receive information on how to opt-out of the program when they receive their Summer EBT card.
State Website - Kansas
Lead SEBT agency Department of Children and Families Other SEBT supporting agencies Kansas State Department of Education Number of children served 266,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 17 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Unhoused individuals may need to contact DCF to provide an address for receiving their card if they do not already have one.
- For foster children, SEBT cards will be issued to the head of household not the child. The head of household without a social security number will contact DCF for assistance in setting up their card to access the benefits.
- Those with limited English proficiency will be able to speak with a DCF worker using interpreter services at no cost to the client.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Public information campaign
- SEBT website and customer service contact email and phone number
State Website - Kentucky
Lead SEBT agency Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Number of children served 450,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 15, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - To address issues related To families who lack a permanent address, EBT cards may be received in local offices.
- DCBS will continue frequent collaboration with field offices To ensure foster care children receive the SEBT benefit each is entitled to.
- Communications plan incorporates other languages and those with lack of access to technology.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Robust, multi-faceted communication plan
- Customer Assistance Line
- Public Awareness Campaign
State Website - Louisiana
Lead SEBT agency Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) Number of children served 625,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Morse Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 15, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Louisiana intends to use the same procedures as in SNAP for these populations.
- For homeless households, offices are located throughout the state to allow the homeless to apply in person at the parish office and then pick up their mail at the same location or a location designated by the household.
- The state has contractual agreements and partnerships with Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) and Voluntary SNAP E&T program providers to assist recipients with applying for benefits.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Summer EBT website
- Communication via social media channels, LEAs, non-profits, advocacy groups
- State offices with access to information for the public and printed materials
- Customer service line with support available 24/7
- Information and materials for schools to share via various communication channels
State Website - Maine
Lead SEBT agency Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office for Family Independence (OFI) Other SEBT supporting agencies Maine Department of Education (DOE) Number of children served 96,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 16 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 15, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Migrant
- Homeless
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Maine's plan to issue most of the benefits on existing Pinetree Cards will ensure that families experiencing homelessness. DOE will also work with homeless liaisons and guidance counselors to make sure children experiencing homelessness receive their benefit.
- DHS will work with the Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) to ensure children in foster care receive the benefit.
- Maine will follow the same processes as used for SNAP to provide translation and interpretation services to households with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Maine will add Summer EBT specific information to the OFI SNAP website.
- OFI and DOE will create a package of outreach materials on Summer EBT, including retailers, advocacy groups, and LEAs.
- Maine will provide education materials that families can take home, provided to organization likely to come in contact with the target population, including schools, SNAP education agencies, food banks, and pediatrician offices.
State Website SUN Bucks - Maryland
Lead SEBT agency Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Other SEBT supporting agencies Maryland Department of Health (MDH)
Maryland State Department of Human Services (DHS)Number of children served 500,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 17 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - DHS and MSDE will meet with School Homeless Coordinators to develop an outreach strategy. Homeless children or their parents/guardians will have the option to pick up a card from any of DHS local departments of social services across the state.
- DHS will uses data from its child welfare administration division to obtain the most current addresses for children in foster care. Summer EBT cards for children in foster care will be sent to the most current address on the department’s record.
- S-EBT communication material will be translated in Spanish which is the language spoken by 95% of Maryland’s Limited English Proficiency (LEP) population.
Highlights of the customer service plan - A robust outreach plan
- SEBT Hotline
- SEBT website
- Public information campaign
State Website - Massachusetts
Lead SEBT agency Massachusetts Department of Transition Assistance (DTA) Other SEBT supporting agencies Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Number of children served 644,975 Compulsory age range 6 to 15 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 7, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Massachusetts will continue to utilize current Master Data Management (MDM) system to identify children in foster care for purpose of streamlined certification for Summer EBT.
- Districts are required to have a homeless liaison who will maintain cumulative data on students facing homelessness, which will then be used to help the streamline certification process.
- The state will establish a Summer EBT website that will be accessible in multiple languages. The website will feature translated outreach materials that community partners can use to distribute information on Summer EBT.
Highlights of the customer service plan - A robust outreach plan
- SEBT hotline
- SEBT website
- Public information campaign
State Website - Michigan
Lead SEBT agency Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Other SEBT supporting agencies Michigan Department of Education and Center for Educational Performance and Information Number of children served 900,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Homeless children – Michigan Department of Education (MDE) will provide the school address as the child address. The card will go to the school who will ensure delivery.
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) – Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has a S-EBT call center which makes use of the department’s translator contract for translation.
- Foster Children - MDHHS will compare the FRL list against our eligibility system to determine a foster child’s current address."
Highlights of the customer service plan - MDHHS will operate a Summer EBT call center and will have a designated email for Summer EBT inquiries.
- Public information campaign
State Website - Minnesota
Lead SEBT agency Minnesota Department of Education Other SEBT supporting agencies Minnesota Department of Human Services Number of children served 413,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 17 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - MDE will utilize local McKinney-Vento homeless liaison to target communications in an effort to provide access to households experiencing homelessness.
- Will ensure to translate all materials in the top five languages that those with Limited English Proficiency speak.
- Collaboration Efforts with social services agencies and the DHS Office of Economic Opportunity.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Eligible families will receive text messages and/or emails with link to the S-EBT website for additional information.
- Summer EBT website with FAQs
- Dedicated Summer EBT hotline
- Address validation using USPS software
- Public information campaign
State Website - Missouri
Lead SEBT agency Missouri Department of Social Services Other SEBT supporting agencies Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Number of children served 490,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 17 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance August 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Language interpretation and translation services provided as needed
- DSS and DESE will work together to address issues related to outdated addresses or lack of permanent addresses.
- Missouri intends to use the same procedures to serve Homeless youth and Foster children as in the SNAP and TANF programs.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Robust outreach strategy
- Public information campaign
- Customer support call center
- Summer EBT web page
State Website - Montana
Lead SEBT agency Department of Public Health and Human Services Other SEBT supporting agencies Office of Public Instruction Number of children served 68,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 15 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance TBD End date of the summer operational period Aug. 25, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Foster care
- Homeless
- Runaway
- Migrant
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Best address will be selected using an automated hierarchy based on OPI’s determined address reliability.
- An address research report for those children whose addresses are not available via the best address search.
- State agency will research and attempt to find an address, then load those records in a file that will be picked up by the subsequent issuance.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Summer EBT hotline and email
- Summer EBT web page
- Public information campaign
State Website - Nebraska
Lead SEBT agency Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Number of children served 175,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance May 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Migrant
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Nebraska will use current eligibility and data system to identify homeless and other vulnerable populations.
- DHHS will make additional efforts to reach homeless, foster care, and vulnerable populations through Nebraska's Intensive Summer Outreach Program.
Highlights of the customer service plan - DHHS will develop a Summer EBT/Intensive Summer Outreach website that will be used to share information with families and the public.
- Nebraska will create a specific Summer EBT email address for questions and general inquiries. Nebraska will also update the ACCESS Nebraska Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to connect families with trained staff on Summer EBT.
- DHHS and NDE will conduct a public information campaign using websites, social media platforms, and text messages to families to inform them of the Summer EBT program.
State Website - Nevada
Lead SEBT agency Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) &
Nevada Department of Educations (NDE)Number of children served 350,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance September 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 12, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Students who are part of a household experiencing homelessness, lack of a permanent dwelling, or a fixed mailing address, will be able to obtain an EBT card at a designated DWSS office.
- All information provided to families will be in both English and Spanish to ensure that the program is communicated clearly to those with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Communications plan will be comprehensive to include all partners and and stakeholders. Program information will be given on websites, social media platforms, newsletters, press releases, town hall meetings, and more.
- The DWSS customer service line will be utilized with a S-EBT specified queue.
- S-EBT website
- S-EBT web portal
State Website - New Hampshire
Lead SEBT agency New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies New Hampshire Education Department (NHED) Number of children served 43,857 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance November 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 4, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Anyone without a physical or mailing address will be able to use a local NH DHHS District Office for their mailing address where they can pick-up correspondence and an EBT card.
- All communications provided by DHHS will contain instruction on how to utilize Language Access Services
Highlights of the customer service plan - The DHHS Call Center will be available and will assist with general program information, accept requests to "opt-out", review eligibility notices, note concerns with benefit issuance amounts, and any other inquiries.
- Household notifications of Summer EBT via NHED parent newsletters.
- DHHS Public Information Office will assist with posting detailed information about Summer EBT on the DHHS website and NH EASY.
- DHHS will work with local partners to generate awareness of the program and to provide information outreach.
- DHHS will send all household who are eligible for streamlined eligibility a notice advising of the program and their determined eligibility; the household will be instructed to contact the BFA Call Center if they choose to opt out.
State Website - New Jersey
Lead SEBT agency New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) Other SEBT supporting agencies New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS)
New Jersey Department of Education (DOE)Number of children served 550,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 16 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - NJDA will identify any available data on vulnerable populations.
- NJ has assembled a stakeholders group for vulnerable populations that interact on a regular basis with schools and vulnerable children.
- NJ is coordinating with agencies to engage frontline service organizations that actively serve vulnerable populations and use their networks to ensure vulnerable families know about Summer EBT and can access this benefit.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Toll-free customer service line dedicated for Summer EBT
- Public information campaign
- Summer EBT website
State Website - New Mexico
Lead SEBT agency New Mexico Human Services Department (NMHSD) Other SEBT supporting agencies New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) Number of children served 280,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 15, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - The McKinney-Vento state coordinator has relationships with all homeless coordinators across the State and will collaborate with school districts and adjust approaches to ensure that these students have access to Summer EBT benefits.
- Foster Care: CYFD and NMPED foster children system designed to ensure foster children are identified within our student population, and to streamline administrative processes including document any changes in a foster’s child’s circumstances, like change of addresses.
- Limited English Proficiency: It is the policy of NMPED to provide timely meaningful access for Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons to all agency programs, activities, and services, free of charge. Both NMHSD and NMPED have procedures in place to work with these families who are in need of translation services . The state also ensures that information will be provided in any language requested.
Highlights of the customer service plan - The process for parents to update their mailing address through LEA’s, utilizing NOVA's near-real-time submission process, is designed to be straightforward and efficient. Parents can update via the online portal or paper forms.
- Public information campaign
- Call center
State Website - New York
Lead SEBT agency New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) Other SEBT supporting agencies New York State Education Department (NYSED) Number of children served 2,300,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 16 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 3, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - OTDA plans to work with NYS Office of Children and Family Services to ensure children in foster care are streamlined certified.
- New York will use best practices from NSLP and SNAP to ensure vulnerable populations, including children experiencing homelessness and migrant children, have access to Summer EBT.
- New York will use language access services to ensure materials, application, and customer service helpline are available to families wit limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - SEBT call center
- SEBT website
- Text message campaign
- Public information campaign
State Website - North Carolina
Lead SEBT agency North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NC DPI) Number of children served 800,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 16 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - For families experiencing homelessness, North Carolina will make cards available to be picked up at local DSS offices.
- North Carolina will issue cards specific to each child in foster care, distributed through local DSS offices. North Carolina will work with DSS offices to educate foster care case workers on Summer EBT and encourage their involvement.
- North Carolina will ensure translated materials are available for households with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - North Carolina will conduct a public information campaign through use of the website, social media platforms, and distributing information through partners.
- North Carolina will establish a specific Summer EBT center to provide support to Summer EBT participants and will be accessible through NC DHHS' established EBT Call Center.
- North Carolina will create an Summer EBT webpage, including an FAQ section and website chat-bot that can be used to respond to most questions.
State Website - North Dakota
Lead SEBT agency North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) Number of children served 42,000 Compulsory age range 7 to 16 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance May 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 30, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Homeless
- Foster care
- Migrant
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - The Child and Family Services Division of NDHHS will coordinate foster child services in ND, with NDDPI communicating SEBT information to foster parents.
- North Dakota will target vulnerable populations through the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).
- NDDPI will work directly with school counselors and nurses to ensure vulnerable students are aware of the program, completing an application if necessary.
Highlights of the customer service plan - North Dakota will set up a dedicated Summer EBT email portal and phone number as a single point of contact for Summer EBT participants
- North Dakota will develop a public communication campaign, which will include direct communication and instruction to school districts through NDDPI.
State Website - Ohio
Lead SEBT agency Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Other SEBT supporting agencies Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Number of children served 841,522 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 16, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - "Schools and school districts will be informed that they can offer to have S-EBT cards mailed to them for homeless youth.
- The Management Council will manage all customer service calls.
- The Management Council will provide, host, and manage the Service Desk software that will track each customer contact and child query.
- The Management Council will provide JFS and DEW service desk reports reflecting activity and performance.
- Management Council has access to translation services to assist limited-English proficient families.
Highlights of the customer service plan - A document that schools will be asked to communicate to all households, utilizing multiple methods of communication. the document will be translated into other languages. A document will also be available on the ODJFS and advocate partners' websites.
- ODJFS and DEW will use social media to announce the summer issuance information.
- ODJFS implemented functionality in its SNAP eligibility system to assist in automating the file process to the EBT vendor. This functionality will produce a notice for each child that is issued an S-EBT benefit.
- The customer service center will be managed by the Management Council, who also assisted with customer service for P-EBT. The Council will handle all the phone support for households and will create reports reflexing activity and performance.
State Website - Oregon
Lead SEBT agency Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Oregon Department of Education (ODE) Number of children served 294,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 2, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - ODHS will work with school points of contact, Child Welfare, McKinney Vento (houseless youth) and Migrant liaisons to collaboratively develop processes and communications for foster, homeless and migrant youth.
- ODHS will work with Child Welfare and Temporary Assistance to Domestic Violence Survivors Program policy team to confirm any students whose address needs updating due to safety concerns.
- ODHS will have the Summer EBT application and notices available in multiple languages and alternate formats, including Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), English, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
- ODHS will offer the Summer EBT website in both English and Spanish.
Highlights of the customer service plan - ODHS and ODE will develop a strategic communication plan to increase awareness of SEBT via news releases, social and multimedia campaigns, fact sheets and school newsletters.
- Oregon’s extensive state-wide community partner network, including SNAP and Medicaid outreach coordinators and contactors, will assist with disseminating culturally appropriate information and materials in hard-to-reach areas of the state.
- The customer service call center will be available in multiple languages to support customers language preferences.
State Website English -
Spanish - Pennsylvania
Lead SEBT agency Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Number of children served 1,265,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance August 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Schools will provide the address which can include the school’s address so that they can distribute the card to the child, a selected mailing address provided by the parent, or a post office’s general delivery option, where the post office’s address is provided and the card (and any other mail) is held at the post office until a parent or guardian retrieves it from the post office
Highlights of the customer service plan - DHS has a state-wide customer service center with a dedicated Spanish-language line and interpreter assistance in other languages available to recipients from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
- Recipients will also be able to submit questions to their local SNAP office if they have an account on Pennsylvania’s online benefits portal, COMPASS.
- Pennsylvania will create a webpage with all pertinent information about the Summer EBT program and benefits.
- Public information campaign
State Website - Puerto Rico
Lead SEBT agency Administration for the Socioeconomic Development of the Family (ADSEF) Other SEBT supporting agencies Puerto Rico Department of Education Number of children served 300,221 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Evertec Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 11, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $177 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - ADSEF will contact the foster homes to ensure that the children’s data has been submitted to the PR DOE and the contact and personal information has been entered correctly in the NAP system. ADSEF will also provide follow up on these children’s benefits issuance.
- Concerning homeless children, the ADSEF will establish an MOU with the Puerto Rico’s CoC organizations (502 and 503) which at this time provide support services to homeless people. The purpose is to identify homeless children currently enrolled in school that could be eligible to receive SEBT benefits.
Highlights of the customer service plan - DE will handle customer service information, and inquiries, including a hotline, email, and website.
- ADSEF will identify families with school-aged children who qualify for the benefit during the school year, leverage platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share program details, application links, and success stories,collaborate with community organizations, such as food banks, libraries, and community centers, to reach a broader audience and connect with local newspapers, radio stations, and TV channels to share press releases, interviews, or feature stories about the program.
State Website - Rhode Island
Lead SEBT agency Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Number of children served 89,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - DHS will use outreach materials to notify children in foster care and families experiencing homelessness of their automatically eligibility.
- Families experiencing homelessness will have an easy means to update their address through the Summer EBT call center, operated by United Way 211.
- The Summer EBT call center, operated by United Way 211, will have interpretation services for families with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Summer EBT information will be available on both DHS and RIDE websites, accompanied by a public information campaign on the availability of Summer EBT.
- United Way 211 will operate a Summer EBT call center, available 24/7, where participants can take questions, opt-out, change addresses, etc.
State Website - Tennessee
Lead SEBT agency Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) Number of children served 700,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 17 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 15, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Program information and outreach materials will be available in multiple languages, including information on the TDHS S-EBT website, which is available in four languages (English, Spanish, Somali, and Arabic).
- TDHS S-EBT Contact Center representatives will also be available to help households update their preferred mailing address, update proactive communication methods, and make application by telephone.
- School districts may choose to serve as the mailing address for households that do not live in a permanent dwelling or have a fixed mailing address.
Highlights of the customer service plan - S-EBT Contact Center
- S-EBT Parent Portal and text messaging campaign opt-in
- Public information campaign
- S-EBT website and chatbot
State Website - US Virgin Islands
Lead SEBT agency Virgin Islands Department of Human Services (VIDHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) Number of children served 15,000 Compulsory age range 4 years and 9 months to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance September 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 19, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $177 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - In our notices to the public, we will encourage our homeless population to obtain a mailing address to have the SEBT cards mailed to or provisions will be made to make a home visit from a VIDHS employee.
- USVI intends to make contact with the Administrator of the Division of Family Services to generate a list of all foster children in the territory. From this list, the eligibility contractor will conduct a duplicate check of the foster care children with the public and private school’s data.
- VIDHS will provide a notice with the statement in the required language for those children who are from households with limited English proficiency.
Highlights of the customer service plan - USVI will continue to utilize and publish the SEBT Territorial Number (340) 772-7120 to address customer concerns, provide information or to resolve disputes and issuance errors.
- A specific email/inbox has been created internally at DHS where clients may forward issues or disputes. A dedicated team will monitor this inbox and problem solve issues utilizing the records provided by the school districts.
- The DHS Commissioner and VIDE Commissioner will be a featured presenters on the Governor’s Weekly Press Briefing and will also host a Facebook Live to announce the implementation of the SEBT program.
- VIDHS will provide access for individuals who speak Haitian Creole and Spanish to report their concerns.
- USVI will conduct a public information campaign.
State Website - Vermont
Lead SEBT agency Department for Children and Families, Economic Services Division (ESD) Other SEBT supporting agencies Agency of Education (AOE) Number of children served 45,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 16 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 4, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Migrant
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - ESD and AOE will work with school homeless liaisons to ensure that families receive their SEBT benefits, including applying for SEBT when applicable.
- Benefits may also be mailed to schools for households experiencing homelessness.
- The ESD call center has translation services available.
- ESD will post translations of SEBT information and frequently asked questions on its website.
- AOE will work with the state’s Migrant Education Program to get information about all eligible MEP Students and will provide Summer EBT cards to the MEP so that caseworkers can distribute them directly to the eligible households.
Highlights of the customer service plan - Benefit service call center with its own dedicated Summer EBT option.
- Public awareness campaign.
- Messaging for schools to use and distribute.
- Share the Summer EBT issuance schedules with retailers and Vermont's retail and grocers' association.
- Notices to eligible Summer EBT households and applicants with program information.
- Database of Summer EBT eligibility information.
- Instructions provided to households on opt-out procedures for Summer 2024.
State Website - Virginia
Lead SEBT agency Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Virginia Department of Education (VDE) Number of children served 791,000 Compulsory age range 5 to 18 years old EBT processor Conduent Month of first issuance July 2024 End date of the summer operational period Sept. 2, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Migrant
- Runaway
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - Use procedures currently in place to assist with student identification of vulnerable populations.
- Exploring alternative options for card pickup for homeless children.
- Translation of website in 18 languages.
Highlights of the customer service plan - SEBT dedicated website
- State run call center
- Written notices through mail
- Information via buck-slip with cards
State Website - Washington
Lead SEBT agency Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Number of children served 550,000 Compulsory age range 8 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 31, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Washington State's Food Assistance Program (FAP)
- Washington State's State-Funded Assistance (SFA)
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - OSPI will provide guidance to support schools and school districts in serving these households, including allowing Summer EBT cards to be collected from designated district address when households are experiencing homelessness, consist of runaway children, or lack a mailing address.
- Students in foster care will have their Summer EBT card mailed to the legal guardian on file with the school or work with their Foster Care Liaison.
- OSPI will work with districts on best practices to engage with households with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), including the translation of vital program documents and posting a multi-language instruction on how households can receive interpretation services.
Highlights of the customer service plan - DSHS and OSPI will collectively design and launch a communications campaign and continue to provide updates via the Summer EBT website and FAQs.
- DSHS and OSPI are developing a communications tool-kit for schools, community organizations, and advocates to support Summer EBT.
- Washington is establishing a designated Summer EBT Contact Center that families can contact and an opt-in SMS message service for families wanting to receive more information.
State Website - West Virginia
Lead SEBT agency West Virginia Department of Human Services (DoHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) Number of children served 202,000 Compulsory age range 4 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance May 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 20, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
- Foster care
- Homeless
- Migrant
- Runaway
- HeadStart
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - WVDE will communicate Summer EBT information to each Homeless Services Liaison within school systems.
- DoHS will collaborate for dissemination of program information to foster guardians and kinship placement.
- Each student has a WVEIS number that is not affiliated with social security numbers. The WVEIS number will be utilized for verification when guardians contact the Summer EBT hotline.
- DoHS will utilize the agency's interpreter service.
- Household notification will be available in Spanish upon request.
- DoHS will provide county office notification using paper flyers.
Highlights of the customer service plan - WVDE will maintain a public facing website that will be updated with SEBT information.
- Customer service support line will be available 24/7.
- Schools will also receive suggested scripts and communication templates.
State Website - Wisconsin
Lead SEBT agency State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Other SEBT supporting agencies State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Number of children served 450,000 Compulsory age range 6 to 18 years old EBT processor FIS Month of first issuance June 2024 End date of the summer operational period Aug. 29, 2024 Benefit amount and number of issuances $120 / single issuance Data sources used to enroll children through streamlined certification - NSLP/SBP free and reduced price lists
- Medicaid
What procedures will the Summer EBT agency implement to provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations? - DHS will use translation services to assist families with limited English proficiency.
- Children living in foster care will be identified as eligible through streamlined certification.
- Children experiencing homelessness will be assigned case numbers (if not already assigned) which include mailing addresses ties to county agencies or shelters.
- Summer EBT Recipients with disabilities can call the Summer EBT hotline to request having notices read to them or explained in a different way.
Highlights of the customer service plan - DHS’s Summer EBT Support Team will serve as the primary point of contact for households and other stakeholders with questions about the Summer EBT program. They will manage a dedicated call center, phone number, and email account for Summer EBT. the call center will only actively take calls during stated business hours, but the dedicated call center will allow for callers to leave voicemail messages, even during non-business hours.
- Wisconsin will also launch a public communication campaign, plus resources for SFAs and stakeholders.
State Website