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WIC & FMNP Modernization Dashboard

WIC has been serving families for more than 50 years. The program started as a demonstration project in 1972 and became permanent in 1974 after early data showed that it was a cost-effective way to improve health. As the program has grown and changed over the years, research has continued to show that:

  • WIC reduces healthcare costs.
  • Families participating in WIC are more likely to consume a healthy diet.
  • WIC participation results in better pregnancy outcomes, including fewer infant deaths, premature births, and low birthweight infants.
  • WIC is associated with higher cognitive development scores in early childhood and improved academic achievement later in life.

To ensure that WIC continues to get results, the program must modernize. Through a one-time distribution under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), FNS provided funds for state agencies and partners to conduct WIC and FMNP modernization and outreach projects. FNS is evaluating these efforts to identify and share effective practices with state agencies and partners.

Though WIC Modernization is a long-term FNS priority, this dashboard only contains information on ARPA-funded projects. These projects focus on improving the shopping experience, expanding access to farmers’ markets, investing in the workforce, modernizing technology and service delivery, and outreach.

Please see our "About the Data Guide" if you have data-related questions.

The WIC Modernization project data is available as a .csv file, which can be opened by most desktop spreadsheet applications. Waiver data is available.

The FNS Central Analytics Team, housed in the FNS Office of the Chief Operating Officer, provides data management, visualization, and analytics leadership for FNS programs and offices in alignment with the USDA Data Strategy and Federal Data Strategy. The Central Analytics Team’s priorities include enabling FNS programs and operational divisions in the development of data visualization and analytics products to support informed decision-making, secure data automation and management to improve efficiencies, and federal employee training to cultivate a data-informed workforce and agency.

Reporters looking for information, contact the FNS press team. For general questions, contact us.

Page updated: January 23, 2025