- Are there changes to the amount of cereal a participant can receive?
No. The final rule did not change the maximum monthly allowance (MMA) of breakfast cereal for adult and child participants; the MMA remains 36 ounces.
- How can a WIC state agency meet the 75 percent whole grain requirement for breakfast cereal?
Each WIC state agency has flexibility to determine how to accomplish meeting the 75 percent requirement – states may choose to add more whole grain cereals or reduce non-whole grain cereals.
- Do different flavors of the same cereal count as a group or individually? For example, a state agency allows a brand in plain, cinnamon, and vanilla flavors – does this count as one cereal or three?
Different varieties or flavors of the same cereal could be offered and counted separately if they individually meet the minimum federal specifications outlined in 246.10(e)(12). WIC state agencies are encouraged to consider participant variety and choice when adding cereals to their lists.
- Do generic brands of the same cereal count as a group or individually? For example, a state agency allows a main brand and the same cereal in three different store brands – does this count as one cereal or four?
To offer participants a wide variety of grains, the state should count the name brand as one whole grain option and the three alternatives, combined, as a second whole grain option. Each cereal should be evaluated individually to ensure it meets whole grain criteria (as well as iron requirements and added sugar limits).
- Why is USDA only requiring 75 percent of cereals to be whole grain?
Breakfast cereal is included in the WIC food packages to deliver key nutrients – primarily iron – to WIC participants. Consuming some non-whole grain cereal can contribute to delivering important nutrients for healthy development, including iron and folate. Requiring 75 percent of breakfast cereals to be whole grain allows state agencies to maximize participant choice while considering current nutrition science and the delivery of key nutrients.
- Can a WIC state agency offer only whole grain cereals?
Yes. A WIC state agency can allow up to 100 percent of whole grain cereals.