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More Summer Smiles Videos

Families now have more ways to get their kids the nutrition they need in summer when school meals aren’t available. USDA’s SUN programs offer SUN Bucks, SUN Meals, and SUN Meals To-Go. These meal and grocery benefit options help kids reach their full potential.

More Summer Smiles Web Images

A suite of SUN programs branded and unbranded images (300x250 pixels) to promote available summer nutrition services on websites and as digital ads.

More Summer Smiles Promotional Toolkit

Everyone has a role to play in getting the word out about these summer programs – download customizable materials to promote SUN programs and spread more summer smiles. Digital, brand and print materials are available in English, Spanish, and additional languages.

Substance Use Prevention Education in the WIC Program

The purpose of the Substance Use Prevention Education in the WIC Program project grant is to develop trainings and resources to assist state and local agency WIC staff when addressing substance use prevention and referrals with WIC participants.

Disaster Nutrition Assistance Timeline

The USDA, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) coordinates with State agencies, Tribal Nations, and voluntary organizations as they develop disaster nutrition assistance strategies before, during, and after disasters and emergencies.

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