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Advanced Planning Document Checklists

The checklists below provide guidance for preparing and reviewing Advanced Planning Documents (APDs) and related documents. See the APD Handbook, FNS Handbook 901, or the related regulation or requirement for a detailed explanation of the particular item or contact your FNS regional office.

General Checklists

  • Refer to FNS Handbook 901 - a list of document components are identified for the following documents:
    • PAPD (see table 9)
    • IAPD (see table 10)
    • Annual APDU (see table 11)
    • APDU As Needed (see table 13)
  • RFP Checklist found at Appendix 12 of FNS Handbook 901 - a table of common items found in an RFP as well as FNS requirements.
  • Contract Provisions Checklist found at Appendix 12 of FNS Handbook 901 - a table of commonly found as well as required terms, conditions, and clauses.
  • Common Contract Clauses found at Appendix 11 of FNS Handbook 901 - provides guidance and examples to contract clauses required in most government contracts.

SNAP Checklists

  • SNAP System Integrity Review Tool (PDF, Excel, or Word version) - The checklist combines the ADP/CIS Model Plan Requirements with system controls and performance requirements, and system testing as its foundation. For state download and use.

WIC Checklists

The following samples and prototypes offer assistance in developing WIC budgets and funding documents:

Please note that the samples do not address cost allocation. The CAM Toolkit must be used for WIC projects requiring cost allocation.

Page updated: February 05, 2025