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APD Contacts

FNS has seven regional offices located in: Boston; Robbinsville, NJ; Atlanta; Dallas; Chicago; Denver; and San Francisco. Each is responsible for a serving a specific geographical area. A virtual team of FNS staff with expertise in systems, technology and the Advance Planning Document (APD) process comprise the State Systems Office (SSO). The SSO provides the following services, including coordination of the APD review and approval process for FNS:

  • APD Stewardship
  • Partnership w/ SNAP & WIC programs
  • Coordination w/DHHS agencies
  • State Eligibility System Proposal Review/Approval
  • State System Projects Oversight/Monitoring
  • APD Technical Assistance & Guidance
  • APD Oversight Committee Staff Support

Formal submission of all APDs should be submitted electronically to the cognizant FNS regional administrator or the FNS regional program director, as appropriate, and to the state systems office director. The SSO works with program staff in each FNS region to ensure documents are reviewed and an approval decision is rendered in a timely manner. APD approval signature authority is at the FNS regional office level.

Associations and Agencies

  • APHSA: American Public Human Services Association
  • AASD: American Association of SNAP Directors
  • ACF/HHS: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families
  • CMS/HHS: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • NWA: National WIC Association
Page updated: November 22, 2024