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Implementation of the National Accuracy Clearinghouse Interim Final Rule Memo

DATE:October 5, 2022
SUBJECT:Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Implementation of the National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) Interim Final Rule
TO:Regional Directors
All Regions

On Oct. 3, 2022, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) published the interim final rule Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Requirement for Interstate Data Matching to Prevent Duplicate Issuances, also known as the NAC rule. This landmark rule establishes requirements for state agencies to use the NAC, an innovative technology-based solution designed to identify and prevent duplicate participation. As a result, this rule takes significant steps to both enhance program integrity by reducing the risk of improper payments and improve customer service by requiring state agencies to take timely action to resolve NAC matches. By reducing duplicate participation in SNAP, the NAC interstate data matching system is expected to reduce federal SNAP spending by $463 million over five years. This memorandum provides an overview of the key provisions of the NAC rule.

The provisions of this interim final rule are effective Dec. 2, 2022. However, FNS will implement the NAC system using a phased approach to allow all state agencies to onboard over a period of five years. Ultimately, state agencies must comply with this interim final rule no later than Oct. 4, 2027.

The NAC rule is just the first step in the work that FNS and state agencies will do together to ensure a successful rollout of NAC system. As part of FNS' implementation plan, state agencies will receive training, tools, and technical assistance to implement the rule successfully and effectively implement the NAC system. For example, in the coming months, FNS will provide a NAC onboarding toolkit and a pre-implementation checklist to support state agency planning and preparation to implement the NAC system. Throughout the five-year implementation process, FNS will facilitate regular, ongoing communication with state agencies and provide a variety of technical assistance and support materials, including question and answer (Q&A) documents that will provide further clarification on the NAC rule.

We strongly encourage you to review the interim final rule in full as it establishes and revises several regulations.

Rachel Frisk
Program Administration and Nutrition Division
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program


Page updated: June 04, 2024