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Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: SFSP Implementation of Legislative Reforms

Program changes made by this rule  include easing restrictions on participation by private nonprofit organizations and food service management companies, streamlining rules for schools to encourage Program sponsorship, and reducing paperwork burdens for state agencies.

Resource | Proposed Rule Proposed Rule: Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools: Disclosure of Children's Eligibility Information

This proposed rule would amend the regulations for the Special Milk Program for Children, Summer Food Service Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program and the Determination of Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools relating to the confidentiality of information about individuals who receive free and reduced price meals and free milk.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2000-0009 Categorical Eligibility of Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act Participants in the SFSP

This memorandum permits sponsors to consider children 18 years of age and younger who participate in the Job Training Partnership Act  program as categorically eligible for the Summer Food Service Program.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2000-0008 Authority for Sponsors to Combine Claims for Reimbursement

This memorandum is intended to extend section 225.9(d)(3) of the regulations which requires sponsors that operate the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) for less than 10 days in their final month of operations to consolidate those days with the immediate prior months’ claim for reimbursement.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2000-0005 Categorical Eligibility of Pre-Kindergarten Even Start Participants for Free Meal Benefits

This memorandum extends this categorical eligibility provision to the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Special Milk Program for Children, and closed enrolled sites in the Summer Food Service Program.

Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: Modification of the "Vegetable Protein Products'' Requirements for Child Nutrition Programs

This final rule updates the requirements for using ‘‘Vegetable Protein Products’’ in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program (the Child Nutrition programs). 

Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: SFSP Meal Service During the School Year, Paperwork Reduction, and Targeted State Monitoring

This final rule contains changes to the Summer Food Service Program as a result of a provision in the Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans Act of 1994 which allows program meal service to be provided during periods of unanticipated school closures such as teacher strikes. 

Resource | Interim Final Rule Interim Rule: SFSP Implementation of Legislative Reforms

This interim rule amends Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) regulations to incorporate nondiscretionary changes made by the Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans Act of 1994, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, and the William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 1998. 

Resource | Proposed Rule Proposed Rule: Modification of the Vegetable Protein Products Requirements for the NSLP, SBP, SFSP and CCFP

The proposed rule entitled Modification of the ‘‘Vegetable Protein Products’’ Requirements for the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Summer Food Service Program and the Child and Adult Care Food Program was published in the Federal Register (64 FR 38839– 38844) on July 20, 1999.

Resource | Proposed Rule Proposed Rule: Modification of the Vegetable Protein Products Requirements for the NSLP, SBP, SFSP and CACFP

The Food and Nutrition Service is proposing to update the requirements on using Vegetable Protein Products in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program (the child nutrition programs) given changes in food technology since the current provisions were adopted.

Page updated: October 14, 2021