The net monthly income standard for each household size is the sum of the applicable SNAP net monthly income standard and the applicable SNAP standard deduction.
USDA Foods in Schools product information sheets with description and WBSCM ID for vegetables.
USDA Foods product information sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for fruits.
The purpose of Farm to Food Bank Projects is to (a) reduce food waste at the agricultural production, processing, or distribution level through the donation of food, (b) provide food to individuals in need, and (c) build relationships between agricultural producers, processors, and distributors and emergency feeding organizations through the donation of food.
This page provides information on the items available through TEFAP that may be acceptable to kosher-observant communities.
In order to update and streamline policy guidance for CSFP and TEFAP, FNS is cancelling Policy Memoranda FD-138 and FD-141.
FNS is proposing to amend its regulations to make access and parity improvements within several food distribution programs, including the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, and USDA Foods disaster response.
USDA Foods in Schools Foods product information sheets containing USDA Foods description and WBSCM ID for meat/meat alternates.
This page includes links to all the household USDA Foods Product Information Sheets for the protein food group.
This page includes links to all the household USDA Foods Product Information Sheets for the fruits food group.