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Resource | Policy Memos Meals Provided to Volunteers: Revised

The memorandum outlines the conditions under which eligible recipient agencies can provide meals to volunteers staffing distribution sites and charge as a TEFAP administrative expense.

Resource | Webinars/Videos Applying the USDA Foods Complaint Process

Andre Orange and Tony Wilkins of the FNS Food Distribution Division share real-life examples of USDA Foods complaints as they provide helpful tips on how to handle and prevent these scenarios.

Resource | Webinars/Videos Demystifying the USDA Foods Complaint Process Part One

This is Part One of a three-part webinar series that explains the USDA Foods Complaint Process. In this Dec. 11, 2015, webinar, Andre Orange and Tony Wilkins of the Food Distribution Division provide an overview of the USDA Foods complaint process.

Resource | Policy Memos Promising Practices in WIC Food Cost Containment

This policy memorandum is being issued in response to the fiscal year 2013 audit by USDA’s Office of Inspector General, state agencies’ Food Costs for the FNS WIC Program.

Resource | Policy Memos SNAP - FY 2016 State Target Areas for Management Evaluations

The purpose of this memo is to transmit national target areas and procedures for management evaluations for FY 2016. FNS, with input from the regional offices, has identified four national target areas for the ROs to review.

Page updated: October 14, 2021