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Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-2017-0054 CACFP Civil Rights Training

Training is required so that individuals involved in all levels of administration of programs that receive federal financial assistance understand federal laws, regulations, instructions, policies and other guidance.

Resource | Policy FY 18 SNAP QC Tolerance Level

SNAP’s QC system uses a tolerance level to set the threshold for determining which errors are included in the national payment error rate calculation. For FY 2018, the tolerance threshold will be $37.

SNAP QC PM 17-04
Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2017-0050 Q&As regarding Military Combat Pay

FNS is issuing this memorandum in fulfillment of the commitment made in the preamble of the SNAP: Eligibility, Certification, and Employment and Training Provisions of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 final rule to provide additional guidance for state agencies on how to carry out the exclusion of certain military combat-related pay from income for purposes of SNAP eligibility determinations.

Resource | Comment Request Comment Request - SNAP-Ed Collection Recipe Submission and Review Forms

These voluntary forms (SNAP-Ed Connection Recipe Submission and Review Forms) will be used by SNAP-Ed instructors, individuals/households (consumers from the general public), business (the private sector), USDA Food program operators, and other federal entities and state agencies (school nutrition experts, state agency nutrition programs) to submit recipes. 

Resource | Comment Request Comment Request - SNAP-Ed Connection Resource Sharing Form

This voluntary form will be used by SNAP Education (SNAP-Ed) instructors and nutrition education material developers to submit materials for review and possible inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Library (formerly known as the SNAP-Ed Connection Resource Finder).

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2017-0049 2018 Direct Certification Improvement Grant RFA

The fiscal year 2018 Direct Certification Improvement Grant Request for Applications are available to state agencies that administer the National School Lunch and the School Breakfast programs to fund the costs of improving your direct certification rates with SNAP, and other needs-based assistance programs.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2017-0048 2014 Farm Bill: Cooperation with Program Research and Evaluation

The Agricultural Act of 2014 clarifies requirements for participation in evaluations and research in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance on the implementation of this provision.

Resource | Webinars/Videos SNAP at Farmers Markets: Building Partnerships

This webinar will focus on strategies that markets and local organizations, can use to build new partnerships when it comes to SNAP at farmers markets.

Resource | Webinars/Videos SNAP at Farmers Markets: Incentives

This webinar will focus on what markets and their partners need to know about incentives, different types of incentives they could offer, and what they would need to do to introduce an incentive program at their market.

Resource | Webinars/Videos SNAP at Farmers Markets: Advertising and Marketing

This webinar will focus on strategies for ways to advertise and market farmers markets to SNAP clients.

Page updated: October 14, 2021