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SNAP Workload Management Matrix

DATE: January 1, 2013
Updated February 10, 2023
SUBJECT: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Workload Management Matrix
TO: All SNAP State Agencies
All Regions

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) understands many Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) state agencies are struggling with large caseloads and limited resources. The COVID-19 federal public health emergency (PHE) continues to strain state resources, presenting challenges for returning to pre-pandemic operational capacity. FNS is sharing the attached Workload Management Matrix as a resource for state agencies as they consider how to manage these complex challenges.

The Workload Management Matrix provides an overview of available state options, process improvements, and administrative and demonstration waivers state agencies may implement to help manage their workload. This updated resource (first shared in 2013) reflects regulatory changes since the first iteration as well as additional tactics state agencies may wish to consider.

The strategies in the Workload Management Matrix vary in cost and complexity, giving state agencies the option to choose the policy or procedure that addresses their unique circumstances. It does not include waivers approved due to temporary extraordinary circumstances or using PHE-related authorities. In planning for the phase out of PHE-related flexibilities, FNS recommends state agencies consider both strategies included in the Workload Management Matrix as well as temporary, transitional flexibilities.

FNS highly encourages state agencies to take into consideration the impact these options, processes, and waivers may have on their payment error rates and other Quality Control data. State agencies should reach out to their respective Regional Offices for technical assistance related to identifying relevant data points for this analysis.

State agencies with questions regarding this should contact their respective regional office representatives.

Moira Johnston
Acting Director
Program Development Division


Page updated: July 27, 2023

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.