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Summer EBT/SUN Bucks Online Application

USDA, in partnership with Nutri-Link Technologies, Inc., developed an online application to make it easier for families to apply for Summer EBT benefits and easier for states to run the new program. Starting July 1, 2024, Nutri-Link is hosting and administering the application on behalf of USDA. State agencies and indian tribal organizations (ITOs) administering Summer EBT can opt in at no cost.

States and ITOs that elect to use the application will work directly with Nutri-Link to establish the agreements necessary to allow Nutri-Link to accept information from applicants and share that information with the appropriate Summer EBT agency officials. USDA will not have access to any applicant data.

Interested states and ITOs should fill out this form to set up an appointment with Nutri-Link.

For more information, watch the recorded information session.

The new application:

  • Is mobile-friendly.
  • Allows applicants to select their state or ITO, and school district from a drop-down menu.
  • Allows applicants to report income and/or categorical eligibility. Note: confirmation of enrollment at an NSLP school is required before a child on an application is certified for Summer EBT.
  • Generates output records in a variety of industry-standard formats.
  • Includes an administrative access portal that states and ITOs can use to facilitate the enrollment confirmation.
  • Includes design elements focused on applicant usability, accessibility, and program integrity.
  • Allows for some front-page customization for each state.
  • Incorporates SUN Bucks branding.
  • Is available as of July 1, 2024!

The application does not:

  • Select the state’s required verification sample.
  • Send eligibility determinations or communicate directly with families.
  • Connect with or check for duplicate records on state or ITO enrollment or Summer EBT eligibility databases.
Page updated: July 18, 2024