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SNAP E&T 2022 National Forum: State Tribal Consultation on the SNAP E&T Plan

Tribal consultations are a critical part of honoring the sovereignty of tribes and upholding trust in the government-to-government relationship between tribes and state or federal agencies. This session provides a brief history of the importance of consultation on food policies between state agencies and tribal organizations and discuss why consultation on SNAP operations is essential. It also highlights the recent FNS guidance memos on the requirements of the consultation process between state agencies and tribal organizations on the E&T State Plan, as well as best practices for consulting in good faith. The session presents existing successful models of relationship building and consultation between state agencies and tribes on SNAP E&T plan. 


  • Jessica Luna, Chief, Program Design Branch, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Food and Nutrition Service 
  • Alicia Smith, Deputy Director of Economic Opportunity and Nutrition Assistance, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Page updated: April 24, 2023