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Interim Final Rule: SNAP: Requirement for Interstate Data Matching to Prevent Duplicate Issuances


The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 requires the Secretary of Agriculture to establish an interstate data system called the National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) to prevent issuance of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to an individual by more than one state agency simultaneously (also known as interstate duplicate participation). This interim final rule requires SNAP state agencies to provide information to the NAC regarding individuals receiving SNAP benefits in their states in order to ensure they are not already receiving benefits in another state. It also requires state agencies to take appropriate action with respect to each indication from the NAC that an individual may already be receiving SNAP benefits from another state agency. This rule aims to enhance program integrity by reducing the risk of improper payments and improve customer service by incorporating best practices and lessons learned from the NAC pilot to require that state agencies take appropriate and timely act on to resolve NAC matches. This rule also establishes safeguards to ensure households receive benefits for which they are eligible and are not incorrectly removed from the program.

Page updated: November 16, 2023