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Multicultural Child Care Recipes From Europe

The 40 recipes in this Team Nutrition collection will add the flavors from different cultures and regions to child care menus. Available in yields of 6, 25, and 50 servings. Download them in English and Spanish.

See also: Child Nutrition Recipe Box at the Institute of Child Nutrition.

White bowl of beef goulash

Beef Goulash
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

square piece of chicken flatbread pizza portioned on a plate

Chicken Flatbread Pizza
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

Bowl of diced chicken with vegetables

Chicken Ratatouille
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

Zucchini lasagna portioned on a plate

Easy Zucchini Lasagna
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

bowl of mixed seasoned vegetables including okra and green beans

Italian Vegetable Medley
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

pita filled with tuna salad, peas, and carrots

Mediterranean Tuna Salad
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

Spinach egg bake portioned on a plate

Spinach Egg Bake
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

Turkey burger in a pita with tzatziki sauce

Turkey Burger with Tzatziki Sauce
[6 Servings] [25-50 Servings]

Page updated: June 10, 2024