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FACT SHEET: Update on USDA Activities to Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic

In January 2021, President Biden released the National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness. The plan is driven by science, data, and public health to improve the effectiveness of our nation’s fight against COVID-19 and to restore trust, accountability and a sense of common purpose in our response to the pandemic.

News Item
USDA Announces Wellness Grants in the Child and Adult Care Food Program

Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced Child Care Wellness Grants to 14 states for the improvement of health and wellness in child care settings. More than $7.7 million in funding will support state agencies in implementing initiatives through the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Over half of the funds awarded will be distributed to local child care sponsoring organizations and institutions through state agencies.

Page updated: February 09, 2021