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Final Rule: Definition of "Indian Tribal Household''

This rule makes final an interim rule published in the Federal Register on Jan. 11, 1994. It broadens the regulatory definition of ‘‘Indian tribal household’’ in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) and the Food Distribution Program for Indian Households in Oklahoma (FDPIHO). Previous to the amendment of the definition, households residing in areas approved for service near Indian reservations (‘‘near areas’’), or in FNS service areas in Oklahoma, that contained Native American children, but no Native American adults, were excluded from the programs. Also, households in near areas were excluded from FDPIR if they did not contain a tribal member of the administering Indian tribe or tribes in that area. The intended effect of the change is to allow more low-income households to be served in FDPIR and FDPIHO.

Page updated: March 07, 2023