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Data & Research

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Eating Breakfast: Effects of the School Breakfast Program

The analysis conducted in this study builds on these two strands of the literature and uses three alternate definitions of breakfast: Consumption of any food or beverage. Breakfast intake of food energy greater than 10 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Consumption of foods from at least two of five main food groups and intake of food energy greater than 10 percent of the RDA. 

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Technical and Cost Feasibility of EBT Equipage in Farmers’ Markets and Mobile Food Retailers

This report inventories technological approaches to portable on-line authorization and reports on their technical and cost feasibility, advantages/disadvantages and potential impacts.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Study of WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 1996

The 1996 study of WIC program and participant characteristics, like PC92 and PC94, is substantially different from earlier efforts to collect data on WIC participants. PC96 employs the prototype reporting system which was developed by FNS for the collection of participant information from state WIC agencies.

Resource | Research and Data | Policy Analysis The Effect of Welfare Reform on Able-Bodied Food Stamp Recipients

This report is the first to present information on a little-known segment of the Food Stamp population that has been profoundly affected by welfare reform—unemployed, childless, 18-50 year old able-bodied adults. As government agencies find themselves having to learn quickly about those affected by the new rules of public assistance , the need to gather timely and accurate information has never been greater.

Resource | Research and Data | Policy Analysis State Food Stamp Policy Choices Under Welfare Reform: Findings of 1997 50-State Survey

The report presents the results of a survey conducted with every state during November and December 1997 to gather detailed information on state options taken in six main areas, with particular focus on time limits and work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) and on food stamp sanctions.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Rates The Dynamics of Food Stamp Program Participation in the Early 1990s

This report provides a comprehensive picture of individuals’ patterns of participation in the Food Stamp Program during the early 1990s, a period of rapid caseload growth. Based on data from the 1990 and 1991 SIPP panels (national longitudinal surveys covering the period from late 1989 to early 1994), the research addresses questions about why individuals enter and leave the FSP, how long participants stay on the program, whether individuals return at a later time and what factors distinguish those who are more dependent on the program from those who are less dependent. 

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Retailer Pre-Authorization Visit Demonstration

The USDA budget for fiscal year 1997 (FY) included $4.2 million to support Food Stamp Program retailer authorization site visits to help prevent ineligible retailers from participating in the FSP. This money is being used primarily to fund store visits by contracted vendors, who will provide the information gathered to the Food and Nutrition Service field office staff making the eligibility decisions.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Evaluation of the E&T/JOBS Conformance Demonstrations

From October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1996, the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture sponsored demonstration projects in Georgia, Hawaii, Missouri, South Dakota, and Texas to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of operating the Food Stamp Employment and Training (E&T) program under the same legislative and regulatory terms as the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) program for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) recipients. Common objectives of the demonstrations were to increase compliance with E&T participation requirements among mandatory work registrants, target services to individuals most at risk of long-term dependency and those most likely to benefit from E&T services, improve participant outcomes, and improve the cost efficiency of welfare to work services.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics Characteristics of Childless Unemployed Adult and Legal Immigrant Food Stamp Participants: FY 1995

This report is a useful first step for those interested in better understanding the circumstances of the populations affected by these changes. It also provides a baseline for future comparisons.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Rates Trends in FSP Participation Rates: Focus on August 1995

This report presents the latest trends in Food Stamp Program participation rates. It adds one more year of information, 1995, to the series of reports on FSP participation rates based on March Current Population Survey data for eligibles and FSP administrative data for participants. Participation rates are calculated as the percentage of the total eligible population that participate in the FSP.

Page updated: August 12, 2024