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Data & Research

Resource | Research and Data | Demonstrations Evaluation of Alternatives to Improve Elderly Access to SNAP

This report examined some of the key food and financial challenges, as well as factors that influence SNAP participation choices, among elderly people. It also assessed how States implemented interventions designed to improve elderly access to SNAP, and their impacts.

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress SNAP E&T Pilot Projects FY 2019 Report to Congress

The SNAP E&T pilot projects give Congress, USDA, and states the opportunity to test innovative strategies and approaches that connect low-income households to good paying jobs and thereby reduce their reliance on public assistance.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Evaluation of the Direct Certification with Medicaid for Free and Reduced-Price Meals Demonstration - Year 1

FNS conducted a study of the first two years of this demonstration to describe the implementation process and explore the effects on certification, participation, federal reimbursements, and state administrative costs. This report presents the findings from the first year of the demonstration evaluation, school year 2016–17.

Resource | Research and Data | Demonstrations Annual Reports on Summer Food for Children Demonstration Projects
Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress SNAP E&T Pilot Projects FY 2018 Report to Congress

The SNAP E&T pilot projects give Congress, USDA, and states the opportunity to test innovative strategies and approaches that connect low-income households to good paying jobs and thereby reduce their reliance on public assistance.

Resource | Research and Data | General/Other Evaluation of Pilot Project for Procurement of Unprocessed Fruits and Vegetables

Authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill, the USDA Pilot Project for Procurement of Unprocessed Fruits and Vegetables was designed to provide states with additional flexibility in the procurement of unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Participating states and school food authorities can purchase approved items with existing USDA Foods National School Lunch Program entitlement funds from any USDA Pilot-authorized vendor in support of the school meal standards.

Resource | Research and Data | Food Security Evaluation of Demonstration Projects to End Childhood Hunger (EDECH): Final Interim Evaluation Report

This study—authorized by the 2010 Child Nutrition Act—tests innovative strategies to end childhood hunger and food insecurity. 

Resource | Research and Data | Demonstrations Evaluation of Demonstration Projects to End Childhood Hunger

The 2010 Child Nutrition reauthorization provided funding to test innovative strategies to end childhood hunger and food insecurity. 

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress SNAP E&T Pilot Projects FY 2017 Report to Congress

The SNAP E&T pilot projects give Congress, USDA, and states the opportunity to test innovative strategies and approaches that connect low-income households to good paying jobs and thereby reduce their reliance on public assistance.

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress SNAP E&T Pilot Projects FY 2016 Report to Congress

The SNAP E&T pilot projects give Congress, USDA, and states the opportunity to test innovative strategies and approaches that connect low-income households to good paying jobs and thereby reduce their reliance on public assistance.

Page updated: August 12, 2024