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Resource | Research and Data | Promoting Healthy Eating Evaluation of the FY 2020 Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives Project

This report presents findings from the evaluation of the first Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives project. The project tested take-up of incentives delivered through coupons issued to SNAP participants when they purchased "qualifying fluid milk" with their SNAP benefits at four pilot stores in west Texas.

Resource | Report to Congress | Food/Nutrient Analysis Added Sugars in School Meals and Competitive Foods

This report responds to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which directs the FNS to provide a report on the amount of added sugars in school meals.

Resource | Research and Data | Benefit Content/Cost WIC Food Package Policy Options II

In 2007, USDA introduced a new set of food packages via an Interim Rule based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, which were implemented by October 2009. The contents of the food packages were finalized via a Final Rule in 2014. The Final Rule clarified some provisions in the Interim Rule and allowed some additional options and substitutions.

Resource | Research and Data | Nutrition Education Formative Research on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Electronic Media Use in CACFP

This report includes findings from formative research undertaken to help USDA assist child care providers in following the nutrition, physical activity, and electronic media use recommendations outlined in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics The WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2012: Food Package Report

The WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2012: Food Package Report is a supplement to the WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2012 biennial report. The Food Package Report describes the content of WIC food packages based on information on the packages or prescriptions issued to WIC participants in April 2012. This report is a new report and should be of interest to researchers at USDA, academics, and others who study or have interest in the WIC program and nutrition.

Resource | Research and Data | Impacts/Evaluations Healthy Incentives Pilot Final Evaluation Report

The final evaluation report presents findings on the impacts of HIP on fruit and vegetable consumption and spending, the processes involved in implementation and operating HIP, impacts on stakeholders, and the costs associated with the pilot.

Resource | Research and Data | Promoting Healthy Eating Approaches for Promoting Healthy Food Purchases by SNAP Participants

This study developed innovative approaches to using nutrition labeling systems to incentivize healthy food choices by SNAP participants in retail settings. The approaches consider opportunities for using Front of Package and shelf labeling systems across all food categories and retail settings.

Resource | Research and Data | Demonstrations Healthy Incentives Pilot Interim Report

The Healthy Incentive Pilot (HIP) is being evaluated using a rigorous research design. The overall goal of the evaluation is to assess the impact of HIP on participants’ intake of fruits and vegetables. 

Resource | Research and Data | Demonstrations Healthy Incentives Pilot Early Implementation Report

The Early Implementation Report addresses the processes involved in implementing and operating HIP, focusing on the early implementation period, from pilot inception to March 2012.

Resource | Research and Data | Promoting Healthy Eating Characteristics and Dietary Patterns of Healthy and Less-Healthy Eaters in the Low-Income Population

The diets of most Americans fall short of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This exploratory analysis examines dietary patterns of low-income individuals classified as healthy and less healthy eaters based on their score on the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2005. The HEI-2005 is a 100-point score that measures how well populations adhere to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

Page updated: August 12, 2024