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Estimates of WIC Eligibility and Program Reach

Each year, FNS estimates the number of eligible individuals for WIC during an average month of the calendar year. FNS uses estimates of the number of individuals eligible for WIC and the number likely to participate to better predict future funding needs, measure WIC performance, and identify potentially unmet nutrition assistance needs.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations WIC Participant and Program Characteristics 2012

This report is a census of women, infants, and children who were participating in the WIC program in April, 2012. The report includes information on participant income and nutrition risk characteristics, and estimates breastfeeding initiation rates for WIC infants.

Resource | Research and Data | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity 2013 WIC Vendor Management Study

This study is part of a larger FNS effort to ensure WIC program integrity and to comply with the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 which requires FNS to estimate improper payments in its programs.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations WIC Food Package Cost Report, FY 2010

This report estimates the average monthly food costs for each of 5 WIC participant subgroups and estimates total dollars spent on 17 major categories of WIC-eligible foods in FY 2010. The participant and food level costs in this report are USDA’s first estimates since implementation of the 2009 WIC food package changes.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Rates National and State - Level Estimates of WIC Eligibles and Program Reach 2010

This report offers updated estimates of the population that met these criteria and was eligible for WIC benefits in 2010. This report includes (1) estimates of the number of eligibles (including children by single year of age) and coverage rates; (2) updated estimates in U.S. territories; and (3) confidence intervals.

Resource | Research and Data | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity WIC Erroneous Payments to Vendors: Annual Estimates for FY 2011

This report provides improper payment estimates for fiscal year 2011 using a methodology for “aging” the 2005 bookend study. The methodology yields nationally representative estimates of the number of vendors that over- and undercharged and the amount of over- and undercharges across all WIC vendors.

Resource | Research and Data | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity WIC Erroneous Payments to Vendors: Annual Estimates for FY 2010

This report provides improper payment estimates for FY 2010 using a methodology for “aging” the 2005 bookend study. The methodology yields nationally representative estimates of the number of vendors that over- and undercharged and the amount of over- and undercharges across all WIC vendors.

Resource | Research and Data | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity WIC Erroneous Payments to Vendors: Annual Estimates for 2009

This report provides improper payments estimates for FY 2009 using a methodology for “aging” the 2005 bookend study. This updates previous reports providing estimates from 2005 to 2008.

Resource | Research and Data | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity Improper Payments to WIC Vendors 2005-2008

About every 7 years, FNS performs a nationally representative study to examine the extent of error and abuse among food vendors authorized to accept WIC vouchers. The last bookend study was the 2005 WIC Vendor Management Study, which used fiscal year 2005 expenditure data to derive an estimate for 2004. Between bookend studies, there is a need to derive annual estimates of the level of improper payments for compliance with the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002. The purpose of the subsequent annual studies was to provide annual updates to the bookend studies using the developed aging methodology.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics National Survey of WIC Participants II

This report, the first of three, addresses the first objective of the study, which is to explore the characteristics and experiences of WIC participants.

Page updated: August 12, 2024