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Proposed Rule: WIC Bloodwork Requirements

This proposed rule would amend regulations governing the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to provide that hematological tests for anemia no longer be a mandatory part of each WIC applicant's certification intake process, so long as at least one nutrition risk factor is present for the applicant. This proposed rule would allow the state agency the discretion to obtain such tests at certification or within 90 days of the date of certification. Such tests would be used for the purposes of assessing nutritional status, providing nutrition education, further tailoring food packages to meet nutritional needs, and referring to appropriate health and social services in the community. The proposed revisions to current WIC program regulations will accommodate a changing health care environment; facilitate improved coordination with other health programs serving WIC applicants; minimize potentially repetitive, costly, and invasive blood testing procedures; reduce inconvenience to applicants, and expedite services to needy individuals applying for WIC program benefits.

Page updated: May 26, 2021