In October 2024, we published a final rule that updates TEFAP regulations to increase access to the program and to and to increase parity within it. Most of the changes take effect within 60 days of the rule’s publication, on Dec. 30, 2024.
Expediting intake processes
Eligible recipient agencies (ERAs) will not need to collect the address of households receiving food for home consumption.
Standardizing income guidelines
All state agencies will now have income guidelines set at or above 185% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Sharing more information
ERA and eligibility criteria information will now be available on a public webpage. Agencies will also need to meet new reporting requirements related to TEFAP participation.
Encouraging expansion in Tribal areas
Program regulations now explicitly encourage distribution of TEFAP in Tribal areas, in addition to rural areas.
Protecting participant information
New confidentiality requirements better protect TEFAP participant information.
Additional Resources
- Regulatory Changes in TEFAP
- Webinar - TEFAP Provisions in the Final Rule
- Policy memos