The USDA Foods Available List includes USDA Foods that are available or expected to be made available for schools in school year (SY) 2025-26. The list is subject to change based on market availability. Please reference the WBSCM catalog which contains the most up to date list of available USDA Foods.
The List of Materials Report provides an estimated price per pound, per case, and per truck for all USDA Foods items available in SY 2025-26. This information can be used by states and school districts to estimate the entitlement value of USDA Foods orders placed for the upcoming SY. The report pricing may differ from the prices found in the WBSCM catalog as catalog prices are continually updated based on the most recent awards. Thus, for states that roll WBSCM down to schools, the price is updated with each purchase. For states that do not roll down WBSCM, the state must update the USDA purchase price at least semi-annually to reflect the most recent USDA purchase price. Actual pricing is not determined until vendors place bids and contracts are awarded. Thus, actual prices can fluctuate and may differ from what is listed in the WBSCM catalog and the List of Materials Report. States should monitor their entitlement throughout the year to avoid overspending.
Use the USDA Foods average material price to value USDA Foods discounts and rebates for the National Processing Program.
The USDA Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (USDA DoD Fresh) allows schools to use USDA Foods entitlement dollars to buy domestically grown and produced fresh fruits and vegetables to serve in the National School Lunch Program, and the Summer Food Service Program. USDA DoD Fresh operates through a partnership between the USDA and the Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).