Please Note
This resource is under revision to align with current program meal pattern requirements and nutrition standards.

The Menu Planner for School Meals is a technical resource that is designed to help school nutrition professionals plan, prepare, provide, and market great tasting, nutritious, and safe meals that meet the nutrition standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs as well as the Child Nutrition Programs: Transitional Standards for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Final Rule that was published in February 2022. The content covers information on the following topics: nutrition, food safety, Farm to School, USDA Foods, seasonal foods, marketing and the administrative review. The resource consists of seven chapters designed to stand on their own in addition to the introduction, quiz answer key, glossary and appendixes sections.
This resource is available for schools and state agencies that participate in or administer the school meals programs. All are welcome to download these materials and make copies. To download the files, please right-click on the link and select "save link as."
The Menu Planner includes an introduction, seven chapters, an answer key, a glossary of terms, and appendixes.