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Healthier Middle Schools: Conversation Starters

Resource type
Training and Outreach
Conversation Starters
  • I'm interested in learning more about our PTA/PTO efforts regarding nutrition and physical activity. Do we have an existing parents' committee or point of contact? Can you share how I can get in touch with them?
  • I'm interested in hearing more about our school's local wellness policy. Can you provide me with a copy? Does our school have a wellness committee that updates the policy and checks to see if it's being implemented? How can I contact them?
  • I'm interested in learning more about the food offerings on the school lunch/breakfast menu. I know that many schools are making changes to add a greater variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Can you share what our school is doing? Is there a way that parents/teachers can help?;
  • I really appreciate all of the effort you put into teaching my child. I was wondering if the class ever talks about making healthy food choices or being physically active as part of their lessons? I've heard that the Department of Agriculture's Team Nutrition initiative has lesson plans that are available for free. Is there a way that parents can help support this? Is there a school garden or any cooking experiences for kids?
  • I noticed that our school is already doing some things to encourage the students to make healthier food choices and be physically active. I was wondering what you thought about us taking a look at the HealthierUS School Challenge criteria and seeing if we might be eligible-or close to it if we made a few changes. Our school could get national recognition and awards, who couldn't use that, right?
  • I really appreciate all the efforts our school puts in to making sure our children excel in learning. Have you seen the research showing that kids who have healthy eating patterns and get regular physical activity are more likely to perform better academically? Improved student concentration, attendance, and classroom behavior are a few of the possible benefits. Could we talk a bit about how our school might be able to support learning by making a few simple changes to our food and physical activity options for students?
Page updated: April 07, 2023