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Room 8T36
Atlanta, GA 30303-3427
United States

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USDA Kicks Off National Nutrition Month by Highlighting Breakfast

Secretary Vilsack kicked off an exciting National Nutrition Month by marking the start of National School Breakfast Week, a time that highlights the importance of promoting healthy choices for our nation's children throughout the school day.

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USDA Announces Next States Chosen to Phase In Streamlined Free School Meal Option

Under Secretary Kevin Concannon announced today that the District of Columbia, New York, Ohio and West Virginia were selected to use an innovative option to reduce administrative paperwork and costs, while making it easier for eligible children in low-income communities to receive free meals in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.

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USDA Announces Steps to Streamline Administration and Enhance Program Integrity in the National School Lunch Program

FNS is collaborating with six states on new demonstration projects to connect eligible low-income children with free school meals automatically based on information received from Medicaid. The new process will allow for administrative efficiencies, reduce improper payments and streamline efforts to provide access to critical nutrition for kids across the nation.

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First Lady Michelle Obama Celebrates Second Anniversary of Let's Move!

First Lady Michelle Obama joined students, Top Chef chef'testants and the Dallas Cowboys at the Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center today to highlight the Dallas Independent School Districts efforts to foster healthy, nutritious school environments as part of her three-day nationwide tour celebrating the second anniversary of Let's Move!

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USDA Helps Florida, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to Improve Nutrition of School-Aged Kids

Under Secretary Kevin Concannon today announced awards to help four states improve enrollment in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs through a process called direct certification. Direct certification requires states and local educational agencies to automatically enroll students from households already participating in the SNAP or FDPIR, without an additional application from the child’s family to assist low-income households with children eligible for free meals at school.

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