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Clarification on State IT Projects Utilizing Enterprise Architectures

DATE:January 28, 2009
SUBJECT:Clarification on State IT Projects Utilizing Enterprise Architectures
TO:Regional Administrators
All Regions

Attached is a copy of Information Memorandum (IM) 08-01, dated Dec. 15, 2008, 22302-1500 which was issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The subject is Federal/State Information Technology Policy - Use of Enterprise Architectures In and Across States' Automated Human Services Information Systems. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has coordinated with DHHS on the development of this IM and with its implementation, and concurs with the guidance provided in it.

An increasing number of states are making use of Enterprise Architecture (EA) models, which maximize the use of Information Technology (IT) resources across programs and agencies within a state. Such initiatives are often seen when states undertake modernization efforts which include changes to their business models.

This IM provides guidance on how to apply existing federal policy to an EA project. Significant consideration was given to how to simplify the budgeting requirements for EA projects while maintaining accountability and oversight. The federal partners (FNS and DHHS) will work with states to establish project development phases in order to facilitate oversight and funding of EA projects. The essential components involve participation of all stakeholders, and the option of using a simplified cost allocation methodology for planning activities. The development activities will likely include defining cost phases and funding cycles to correspond with the project's stages.

FNS supports States' consideration of EA as a means to optimize their administration and delivery of program services. We will post a copy of the IM to our APD website, for ready reference by FNS and state staff.

Thomas O'Connor
APD Oversight Committee


Page updated: February 18, 2025