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Pandemic EBT - State Plans for 2022-2023

DATE:September 8, 2022
SUBJECT:Pandemic EBT - State Plans for 2022-2023
FROM:Lizbeth Silbermann
Acting Associate Administrator
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Sarah Smith-Holmes
Acting Associate Administrator
Child Nutrition Programs
TO:SNAP State AgenciesChild Nutrition State Agencies

USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is releasing new Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) guidance to states for school year 2022-23. This guidance consists of a set of Q&As and a state plan template. These materials will look familiar; very little has changed since last year. The most significant change concerns the eligibility of certain children who enrolled in non-NSLP-participating virtual schools or began homeschooling in response to the COVID health emergency. For additional information on that topic, please see the P-EBT policy memo “Pandemic EBT - Updated Guidance on Virtual Schools” released Sept. 8, 2022.

USDA encourages all states to submit school year 2022-23 P-EBT plans for school children and children in child care. P-EBT continues to serve an important role for children who temporarily lose access to meals at school or in child care due to the health emergency. In addition, the approval of a school year plan remains a precondition for participating in P-EBT next summer.

USDA will schedule one or more webinars for states in the next week to go over this year’s guidance and to answer questions. Until then, please review the documents and direct your questions to your USDA-FNS regional offices.

Lizbeth Silbermann
Acting Associate Administrator
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Sarah Smith-Homes
Acting Associate Administrator
Child Nutrition Programs


Page updated: November 08, 2023