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FY 2022 State Management Evaluation Target Areas

DATE:June 29, 2021
SUBJECT:Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Fiscal Year 2022 State Management Evaluation Target Areas
TO:State SNAP Directors
All Regions
Fiscal Year 2022 State SNAP Management Evaluation Target Areas

The areas of program operation listed in the table below are the target areas for state SNAP Agency Management Evaluations (MEs) for fiscal year (FY) 2022. State SNAP agencies (states) are required to conduct MEs for the target areas in the upcoming FY, per 7 CFR 275.8.

State Target Area:Applies to:
Recertification Processes and AccessAll states
Recipient Claims
Management/Treasury Offset
Program (TOP)
All states
SNAP-EdAll states
Employment and Training (E&T) ProgramAll states operating mandatory E&T programs


At-Risk Areas

States are expected to review the other areas of program operation on an at-risk basis. In determining risk, States should take into consideration the time elapsed since an area has been reviewed, deficiencies identified at that time, and any recent changes to the area. In addition, FNS advises states to pay special attention to the policy areas listed below in considering risk and conducting MEs in the upcoming fiscal year:

  • Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents Time Limit and Work Requirement
  • Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Administrative Terminal System Security
  • EBT Adjustments
  • QC Statistical
  • Recipient Claims Management/Treasury Offset Program (TOP)
  • Recipient Integrity
  • E&T Programs with Budgets of $15 Million or More
Scheduling Requirements

States shall conduct a review once every year for large project areas, once every 2 years for medium project areas, and once every 3 years for small project areas, unless an alternate schedule is approved by FNS, per 7 CFR 275.5(b). States are required to develop and submit their ME review schedule for the upcoming FY to their FNS regional office by Aug. 1, per 7 CFR 275.20. States may submit a schedule that covers a 3-year review cycle and provide updates to FNS annually.

ME Methods and Procedures

States are responsible for developing and their own review methods and procedures, consistent with 7 CFR 275.9. For technical assistance on developing review methods and procedures and/or to request a copy of an FNS ME functional area guide to use as a model, please contact your FNS regional office.

Corrective Action Plans

States shall provide updates to their corrective action plans through regular, semiannual updates and provide to their FNS Regional Office by May 1 and Nov. 1, respectively, per 7 CFR 275.17.

Thank you for your efforts to monitor and uphold your state’s compliance with SNAP requirements in the coming year. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact your FNS Regional Office.

Jessica Shahin
Associate Administrator
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Page updated: June 25, 2024