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FY 2022 SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant Awards

On Aug. 10, 2022, FNS awarded approximately $3.9 million in SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grants to support state agency efforts to improve and expand recipient fraud prevention, detection, and investigation efforts using the procedures, ideas and practices outlined in the SNAP Fraud Framework.

FY 22 Award Summaries

  • Texas Health and Human Services Commission ($404,037)
    Create a fraud prevention training program. Additionally, the grantee will send 15 staff members to national fraud conferences and staff development trainings. Finally, the grantee will develop recipient integrity educational materials to inform SNAP clients on reporting requirements and program rules.
  • Wisconsin Department of Health Services ($741,751)
    Develop a data analysis program that will merge multi-formatted data currently available, as well as new data, into an easy to utilize format. The program will quickly identify and analyze fraudulent SNAP transactions, identify fraud trends, and allow data and data analysis to be readily accessible to data analysts and investigators in all stages of the investigation.
  • California Department of Social Services ($740,000)
    Incorporate a SNAP automated fraud data analytics model into the state’s fraud investigations process. This model will allow investigators and data analytics staff to better concentrate efforts on investigating recipients who are revealed through data analysis, as likely to be engaging in SNAP fraud, including EBT trafficking.
  • Oregon Department of Human Services ($245,067)
    Hire a temporary position to conduct data analytics and research to identify fraud trends within the program and develop strategies to generate quality investigation referrals. These efforts will allow staff to prioritize workload and will result in more viable referrals. This position will also be responsible for outreach and training for field staff and SNAP recipients in fraud awareness.
  • District of Columbia Department of Human Services ($708,849)
    Improve the administration of EBT cards by addressing card security and data reporting; improve data analysis and investigations with enhanced technology and the hiring of a data analytics manager. Additionally, the grantee will develop materials to educate customers on critical program integrity messages.
  • Illinois Department of Human Services ($352,091)
    Develop a fraud education program to expand knowledge concerning SNAP recipient fraud, misuse of benefits, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting fraud. SNAP clients, frontline eligibility workers, and members of the recently established SNAP Fraud Unit will be the recipients of this educational based program. Additionally, the grantee will provide staff professional learning and development through several trainings.
  • Wyoming Department of Family Services ($750,000)
    Develop a Front-End Eligibility (FEE) Investigation process utilizing various tools. The FEE Investigations process will allow state staff to quickly review questionable cases to verify information provided by applicants and/or identify undeclared assets.
Page updated: January 28, 2025