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SNAP FY 24 Allocations of Discretionary Exemptions for ABAWDs

DATE:May 3, 2024
SUBJECT:Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Fiscal Year 2024 Allocations of Discretionary Exemptions for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents
TO:All SNAP State Agencies
All Regions

Section 6(o) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (the Act) limits the time able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) may participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to 3 months in any 36-month period, unless an individual fulfills certain work requirements or is otherwise exempt from the time limit. However, the Act allocates each state a number of monthly discretionary exemptions from the ABAWD time limit for each fiscal year (FY), based on 8 percent of a state’s estimated number of covered individuals, as defined in section 6(o)(6)(A)(ii) of the Act. The number of discretionary exemptions each state agency receives is based on a percentage of the covered individuals in the state, as defined in section 6(o)(6)(A)(ii) of the FNA.

This memorandum adjusts the total number of exemptions available to each state for FY 2024, as shown in the table attached. This includes adjustments in the number of exemptions available to states in which caseloads change by more than 10 percent, as described in section 6(o)(6)(F) of the Act.

Please note that the totals do not account for any exemption usage in FY 2024 (those figures must be reported in final by states on the form FNS-583, due 45-days after the end of the FY). While states have great flexibility in applying discretionary exemptions, states must track and report the number of discretionary exemptions used each month on a quarterly basis to their respective FNS regional office via the FNS-583 form. In addition, discretionary exemptions must be properly documented in the case file prior to monthly quality control sample selections.

Special Considerations

As a reminder, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (the FRA) reduces discretionary exemptions available to states. As of FY 2024, the FRA decreases the percentage of exemptions allocated to states from 12 percent to 8 percent. The FRA also limits the carryover of discretionary exemptions between FYs. In FY 2024 and FY 2025, states can continue to carry over unused discretionary exemptions from prior FYs. Starting in FY 2026, states’ carryover will be limited to unused exemptions earned in the previous fiscal year.

State agencies with questions should contact their respective regional office representatives. Regional offices should contact the Certification Policy Branch with any questions.

Catrina L. Kamau
Certification Policy Branch
Program Development Division


Page updated: May 03, 2024