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Comment Request - 2027 Farm to School Census
Resource | Policy Memos Quality Control Procedural Clarifications and Federal Access to State Systems

In order to ensure efficient and effective program delivery, this memorandum clarifies existing statutory, regulatory and policy guidance regarding the documentation required for a QC case file, second party reviews, state quality control requests for policy interpretations, and requirements for federal access to state systems.

Resource | Policy Memos Clarification on Characteristics of Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility Programs Memo

FNS is issuing this memorandum in an effort to clarify the characteristics of BBCE programs and the actions states must take to ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

Resource | Policy Memos State Agency Compliance with Split Tender Implementation Requirements

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide state agencies operating the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children with information regarding compliance with split tender transactions. 

Resource | Policy Memos Categorical Eligibility (Revised)

This memorandum provides clarification regarding households determined to be categorically eligible for FDPIR in accordance with provisions at sections 4300-4320 of Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Handbook 501.

Resource | Policy Memos Release of the FNS-828 Paid Lunch Price Data for SY 2015-16

FNS announces the release of Paid Lunch Price data for school year 2015-16. The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and 7 CFR 210.14 (e)(7) require school food authorities (SFAs) to report their paid reimbursable lunch prices to the state agencies for publication by FNS each school year.

Resource | Policy Memos New Reporting Procedures for FNS-828 Paid Lunch Price Report for SY 2016-17

This memorandum announces the change in reporting procedures of paid lunch prices in school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program for School Year 2016-17. SFAs are expected to report the most frequently charged price for elementary, middle/junior high and high school levels to their state agency.

Resource | Guidance Documents Questions and Answers about Disaster Policies and Procedures Revised

This memorandum consolidates and clarifies select disaster/emergency policies and procedures applicable to the CSFP, the FDPIR and TEFAP.

Resource | Policy Memos Signature Block Removal from Summary End Product Data Schedules

The purpose of this policy memorandum is to clarify state distributing agency (SDA) requirements related to approval of end product data schedules (EPDS) and summary end product data schedules (SEPDS) and provide an explanation for the removal of signature blocks from the SEPDS A and B templates.

Resource | Policy Memos Value of USDA Donated Foods for Audits: Revised

The purpose of this policy memorandum is to clarify the options available to state distributing agencies or recipient agencies in assigning value to USDA donated foods for audit purposes.

Resource | Policy Memos Automatic Revocation of Tax-Exempt Status–Revised

The purpose of this memorandum is to clarify guidance to state agencies on procedures for reviewing the nonprofit status of organizations applying to participate in the SFSP.  In addition, this memorandum clarifies the corrective actions required by organizations whose tax-exempt status has been revoked. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021