The attached document provides answers to inquiries from state agencies on measuring for the timeliness of SNAP applications for recertification (Item 70). As you are aware, states are required to measure for recertification timeliness beginning in FY 2013. The attached questions and answers should help state agencies implement the new measure as smoothly as possible.
The purpose of this memorandum is to address recent inquiries on the application of the geographic preference option in the procurement of unprocessed locally grown or raised agricultural products.
Guidance on Cost Allocation for Exchange and Medicaid Information Technology (IT) Systems Questions and Answers.
Attached are revised questions and answers related to the Food and Nutrition Service prototype 6 Cents Certification Tool.
Before/After Elementary School Lunch Menu
This memorandum responds to questions we received about the School Food Authority Paid Lunch Price Report.. This memorandum provides the e-mail address to send the reports and extends the due date for state agencies because of the delay in obtaining an on-line mailbox.
Following the Jan. 26, 2012, issuance of the final rule titled Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, several questions have been raised regarding its effect on current contracts between school food authorities and food service management companies.
This memorandum is follow-up to that guidance and consolidates and updates our previous guidance relating to the at-risk afterschool meals component of CACFP.
Attached is a fourth series of Q&As developed to address questions arising from states’ enactment of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (PL 105-33). The answers do not establish new policy. They are an interpretation of the relevant provisions and their intent, and should serve as a guide until issuance of regulations.