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Resource | Policy FDPIR - Applying the New Shelter/Utility Deduction and Calculating Net Monthly Income

This memorandum provides FDPIR administering agencies with guidance on how to apply the new shelter/utility deduction and outlines changes in the process to calculate a household’s net monthly income to account for the new shelter/utility deduction.

Resource | Policy FDPIR Guidance on Changes to Household Eligibility

This memorandum provides FDPIR administering agencies with guidance on changes to household eligibility requirements.

Resource | Policy FDPIR – Interim Administrative Waiver Authority Guidance

This memorandum provides interim guidance on new FDPIR regulatory waiver authority that became effective on Oct. 31, 2024.

Resource | Policy Improving Access and Parity Final Rule: FDPIR Implementation Memorandum

Through this memorandum, FNS is providing FDPIR administering agencies with initial implementation guidance and implementation dates for the provisions of the Improving Access and Parity Final Rule.

Resource | Policy Availability of Funding to Alleviate Emergency Supply Chain Disruption in FDPIR

This letter is to inform Indian Tribal Organizations and state agencies operating FDPIR of the opportunity to receive funding, in the form of direct cash assistance, for the purchase of domestically grown and produced foods.

Resource | Policy FD-156: Written Beneficiary Notice Requirements for FDPIR ITOs and State Agencies

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide clarification on the written notice requirements that apply to indian tribal organizations and state agencies that administer FDPIR, per the USDA regulations on equal opportunity for religious organizations to participate in USDA assistance programs.

Resource | Policy Memos Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: Allocation of Funds for FY 2025

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide funding allocation amounts for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program for all state agencies for FY 2025, including information on funding requirements and deadlines, and a reminder of important program requirements.

Resource | Policy Memos Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: Allocation of Funds for FY 2024

This memorandum provides the total funding amount available to FNS to distribute to state agencies, which is $252.6 million for FY 2024. This includes $219.6 million in new funds available under Section 19 of the National School Lunch Act, which is the prior year base amount adjusted for inflation, and an additional $33 million in unexpired carryover funds from previous years.

Resource | Policy Memos FDPIR Administrative Match Waiver for Substantial Burden Memorandum

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance on submitting an administrative match waiver request for substantial burden [substantial burden waiver]. 

Resource | Policy Memos Oversight and Monitoring of the School Meals Programs- Information Regarding Onsite and Offsite Strategies and Options

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance regarding onsite and offsite strategies and options for oversight and monitoring of the school meal programs.

Page updated: October 14, 2021