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Resource | Interim Final Rule Correction: SNAP Non-Discretionary Quality Control Provisions of Title IV of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018

This document contains a correction to an interim final rule published in the Federal Register on Aug.  13, 2021. The rule codifies statutory requirements enacted by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. This document also extends the comment period for the interim final rule.

Resource | Interim Final Rule SNAP Non-Discretionary Quality Control Provisions of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018

USDA is issuing this interim final rule to strengthen and improve the integrity and accuracy of the SNAP Quality Control system by codifying statutory requirements enacted by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 that was signed into law on Dec. 20, 2018.

Resource | Interim Final Rule SNAP 2008 Farm Bill Provisions on Clarification of Split Issuance; Accrual of Benefits and Definition Changes

This interim final rule delays the implementation date of certain provisions of the final rule entitled, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): 2008 Farm Bill Provisions on Clarification of Split Issuance; Accrual of Benefits and Definition Changes.”

Resource | Federal Register Notices School Meals Programs - National Average Payments/Maximum Reimbursement Rates (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)

This notice announces the annual adjustments to the national average payments, the amount of money the federal government provides states for lunches, afterschool snacks, and breakfasts served to children participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs; to the maximum reimbursement rates, the maximum per lunch rate from federal funds that a state can provide a school food authority for lunches served to children participating in the National School Lunch Program; and to the rate of reimbursement for a half-pint of milk served to non-needy children in a school or institution that participates in the Special Milk Program for Children.

Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: SNAP Rescission of Requirements for ABAWDS: Notice of Vacatur

This final rule removes from the Code of Federal Regulations the final rule published on Dec. 5, 2019, titled “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents.” This action responds to a decision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that vacated the rule.

Resource | Federal Register Notices FDPIR - 2018 Farm Bill Demonstration Project for Tribal Organizations: Solicitation of Proposals

FNS is soliciting proposals from eligible Tribal Organizations to participate in a demonstration project to purchase agricultural commodities for FDPIR. Tribal organizations will be selected on a competitive basis and funding will be awarded through a self-determination contract.

Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: Employment and Training Opportunities in SNAP

The final rule implements the changes made by section 4005 of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 to the SNAP pertaining to the E&T program and aspects of the work requirement for able-bodied adults without dependents. 

Resource | Comment Request Privacy Act of 1974; Computer Matching Program

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, FNS is providing notice of a reestablished computer matching program between FNS and the state agencies that administer SNAP.

Resource | Comment Request Information Collection: SNAP Requirement for National Directory of New Hires Employment Verification

This collection is a revision of an expired collection, an Interim Final Rule titled “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Requirement for National Directory of New Hires Employment Verification and Annual Program Activity Reporting."

Resource | Comment Request Comment Request - SNAP Quality Control Regulations (FNS 245)

This is a revision of a currently approved information collection request.

Page updated: October 14, 2021