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Resource | Policy Memos Updated Instructions for the SAE Recovery Process and SAE Financial Status Report

Updated instructions for the state administrative expenses recovery process and SAE financial status report (FNS-777-SAE) for child nutrition programs.

SP 07-2024, CACFP 03-2024
Resource | Webinars/Videos CNP Integrity Final Rule: School Meal Programs Provisions Webinar

This webinar gives an overview of the rulemaking process, highlights specific regulatory changes and provisions that impact the school meal programs, and provides information regarding resources for the final rule.

Resource | Policy Memos Clarification of Allowable Flexibilities for Child Nutrition Programs Experiencing Milk Supply Shortages

FNS is aware that schools in multiple states are experiencing milk supply chain challenges related to packaging issues. This memorandum provides state agencies with information about existing authority related to schools and other child nutrition program operators experiencing inadequate milk supply. FNS encourages state agencies to use this authority when needed to support program operators impacted by the current milk packaging challenges. 

SP 01-2024, CACFP 01-2024, SFSP 01-2024
Resource | Technical Assistance Authorized Labels and Manufacturers

CN numbers that appear on the valid list apply to the CN logo and crediting statement only. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that the product label meets all over federal labeling requirements.

Resource | Training and Outreach Afiche de OVS del desayuno en la escuela intermedia/secundaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de escuela intermedia y secundaria sobre cómo seleccionar un desayuno reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Resource | Training and Outreach Afiche de OVS del desayuno en la escuela primaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de primaria sobre cómo seleccionar un desayuno reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Basic page State Agency
Resource | Policy Revised Prototype Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals

This memorandum provides information on the revised Prototype Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals. USDA updated the prototype application to improve the user experience for applicants by adjusting the reading level, streamlining the application instructions, and by adding clarity to the mailing instructions to reduce the number of applications sent to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.

Resource | Federal Register Notices Generic Clearance for Stakeholder Feedback and Surveys as Part of FNS Planning

The purpose of this new collection is to collect qualitative and quantitative stakeholder feedback through meetings, focus groups, interviews, other stakeholder interactions and surveys, as well as requests for administrative data, as part of the planning process for FNS regulatory actions, the semi-annual regulatory agenda, research studies, outreach, training and the development of guidance.

Resource | Federal Register Notices Operational Challenges in Child Nutrition Programs Surveys

FNS plans to collect periodic data to obtain information on operational challenges facing institutions who operate or administer child nutrition programs, including state agencies, SFAs and Summer Food Service Program sponsors. The Operational Challenges in Child Nutrition Programs (OCCNP) Surveys, are designed to collect timely data on emerging school food service operational challenges, including but not limited to supply chain disruptions, food costs, and labor shortages, and/or related issues in SY 2023–2024, 2024–2025, and SY 2025–2026.

Page updated: October 14, 2021