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Resource | Webinars/Videos Creating Healthy Menus Using USDA Foods

In this Oct. 16, 2014, webinar, Christina Riley of FNS provides an overview of USDA Foods nutrition, and Scott Richardson of Project Bread, Laurie Colgan of the Vermont Agency of Education, and Ed Herrera of the Idaho State Department of Education present school meals recipe resources developed by their organizations.

Resource | Webinars/Videos K-12 Cooking with USDA Foods

In this Dec. 18, 2014, webinar, White House Champions of Change chefs Carlin Breinig, Cyndie Story, and Garrett Berdan share culinary techniques and work simplification methods aimed at producing quality foods in quantity batches. USDA Foods highlighted in the presentation include flavorsome fruits, vibrant vegetables and legumes, and mealtime meats, cheeses, and grains.

Page updated: October 14, 2021